routes of transmission of HBV to patients have been documented, including
transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products, use of
jet gun injectors with a design fault that allowed blood to remain inside the
equipment, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, and indirect
transfer from contaminated
environmental surfaces in
haemodialysis units....


Centers for Diseases
Centre for Evalution of
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Antwerp
Report of a meeting organized by the Viral Hepatitis
Prevention Board, the World Health Organization and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
David FitzSimons and Pierre Van Damme on behalf of the Viral Hepatitis
Prevention Board
Siófok, Hungary
6-9 October 1996
Hepatitis B
2.1 Virology of hepatitis B virus
2.2 Clinical features of hepatitis B
2.3 Hepatitis B vaccines
2.4 Prevention and control policies
2.5 Epidemiology of hepatitis B
2.5.1 Global morbidity and mortality
2.5.2 The epidemiology of hepatitis B in the region Prevalence and incidence data Overall picture Low prevalence countries Intermediate prevalence countries High endemicity countries Hospital-acquired infection
2.6 Strategies for prevention of hepatitis B
2.6.1 General preventive measures
2.6.2 Standard precautions
2.6.3 Vaccination strategies Selective vaccination Universal vaccination
(a) Adolescents
(b) Infants
(c) Infants, adolescents and those at high risk
2.6.4 Promoting vaccination
2.7 Priority setting
2.7.1 Disease burden
2.7.2 Cost effectiveness
2.7.3 Information and education
2.7.4 Strategy
2.7.5 Disease burden in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
2.8 Health economics
2.9 Resource mobilization
2.9.1 Increased government financing
2.9.2 Setting priorities for funding and services
2.9.3 Affordability
2.9.4 Support
2.10 Workshops
2.10.1 Resource mobilization
2.10.2 Monitoring and surveillance Lack of comparability of surveillance data between
countries Assessing the burden of disease due to hepatitis B
virus infections Monitoring the effectiveness of hepatitis B
vaccination programmes
2.10.3 Vaccines and immunization
2.10.4 Vaccine production, quality control and regulatory
2.10.5 Nosocomial transmission
2.10.6 Diagnostics Sensitivity of assays Specificity of assays Rapid, instrument-independent assays Reduction in post-transfusion hepatitis B
Consensus and conclusion
3.1 Data
3.2 Constraints
3.3 Immunization programme
3.4 Consensus
Annex 1 : consensus statement (Russian version)
Annex 2 : consensus statement (English version)
Annex 3 : List of participants
Table 1: Endemicity of hepatitis B virus infection in
central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States in terms of
prevalence of HBsAg
Table 2: Data on demography, markers of hepatitis B
virus infection and immunization policy in central and eastern Europe and the
Newly Independent States
Table 3: Sustainable vaccine supply: banding of
counties for global targeting strategy
4: Relative sensitivities of assays for the detection of HBsAg
Table 5: Performance characteristics of flow-through
and lateral-flow devices
6: Comparison of test characteristics
Table 7: Post-transfusion hepatitis B in regions of
different HBV endemicity with and without flow-through screening of blood
Fig 1 Prevalence of HBsAg in central and eastern
Europe and the Newly Independent States
Fig 2 Sustainable vaccine supply: global
targeting strategy for central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent
prevention and control of hepatitis B constitute a major policy priority
especially in the countries of central and eastern Europe and the Newly
Independent States, many of which report high prevalence rates of hepatitis B
virus (HBV) infection and of clinical disease. For some 15 years safe and
effective vaccines against hepatitis B have been available. Previous attempts to
prevent and control the disease have rested on the strategy of immunizing
people at highest risk of infection, such as health-care workers, but no country
has succeeded in controlling HBV infection with this strategy. This failure has
led to the recommendation of universal childhood immunization as the most
effective way to decrease infection rates and to lower the amount of acute
The Viral
Hepatitis Prevention Board jointly organized with the World Health Organization
and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a meeting to bring
together managers of immunization programmes, national hepatitis experts and
senior officials from ministries of health. The meeting was held with the active
support of the Hungarian Ministry of Health in Siófok, Lake Balaton, Hungary, on
6-9 October 1996.
The aim of
the meeting, on which this report is based, was two-fold: to put the
prevention of hepatitis B on the political agenda and to speed the progress of
the countries in central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States
towards the implementation of universal childhood immunization against hepatitis
B. In particular, its objectives were to summarize and share available data, to
identify what is necessary for the implementation of a strong programme against
hepatitis B, and to highlight the main constraints against such action in the
conference was the first to focus on hepatitis B control and prevention with the
inclusion of all the countries in the region, and afforded a major opportunity
to raise awareness of hepatitis B with decision-makers and to discuss with them
the introduction of hepatitis B vaccination into universal immunization
programmes. The high level of participation - in many cases Deputy Ministers of
Health or Deputy Chief Medical Officers attended - testifies to the importance
accorded to the matter by the health authorities of the countries concerned. The
joint sponsorship of the meeting attested to the willingness of the organizing
bodies to help in the implementation of prevention and control programmes and to
assist in the identification of donors to help secure supplies of vaccine.
In 1991 the
WHO called for all countries to implement hepatitis B into their immunization
programmes and so far more than 85 have done so. This figure includes only 5 of
the 25 countries in the region
under discussion. The VHPB, an independent, international and multidisciplinary
group of experts set up to consider, make recommendations and encourage action
to improve the control and prevention of viral hepatitis in the WHO European
region, has been actively supporting the WHO’s position. The CDC have been
committed to the control of viral hepatitis world-wide for several years and
have worked to provide technical assistance to countries that request help in
the areas of prevention and control.
the dissolution of the USSR, many countries who had received their routine
vaccines (DTP, polio, measles and BCG) from Russia found themselves without a
supply of vaccines which they could afford. Although donors were found to supply
infant routine vaccines, no provisions were made for hepatitis B vaccines, even
though the burden of disease from HBV infection was greater than that of other
vaccine-preventable diseases in many areas. This situation prompted the
convening of the Siófok meeting to consider ways of facilitating the inclusion
of routine hepatitis B immunization in national immunization programmes of these
25 countries in the region (no
representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina and from Yugoslavia attended the
Siófok meeting).
Virology of hepatitis B virus
Hepatitis B
is caused by hepatitis B virus, a DNA virus of the genus hepadnavirus containing
a partially double-stranded circular DNA genome and three major antigens:
hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), the core antigen (HBcAg) and a derivative
of the latter, namely the e antigen (HBeAg). It also contains a DNA polymerase.
The icosahedral viral particle has a diameter of 42 nm. Although four subtypes
of HBV due to antigenic variation in HBsAg are known, infection with one strain
confers resistance against all strains.
HBV is
mainly hepatotropic; it attaches through its HBsAg to liver cells in which its
DNA is converted into RNA, from which new DNA viral particles are synthesized
and released by budding. The virus is not cytopathic but triggers liver damage
through the immune response to infected hepatocytes. Symptoms of infection
appear after a lengthy incubation period of 1-3 months.
The virus
itself is robust. It can survive on surfaces such as surgical instruments,
chairs and work benches for as long as one week at room temperature. It is about
100 times more infectious than HIV.
The natural
hosts of HBV are human beings; there is no other reservoir. HBV is present in
high concentrations in blood, serum and wound exudate. It may also be present in
moderate concentrations in semen, vaginal fluids and saliva. It is either
undetectable or present in small amounts in urine, faeces, sweat, tears and
breast milk. Thus, the main routes of transmission are parenteral, sexual, from
mother to child (vertical or perinatal) and horizontal.
of blood from HBsAg-positive donors is one of the most efficient means of
transmitting HBV. A WHO study in 1990 indicated that more than 43% of the
world’s population lives in regions where blood is never or only sometimes
screened for HBsAg, and for another 11% of the world’s population no data are
available on blood screening practices. In the WHO’s European Region only 28% of
blood donations were always tested for HBsAg, with no information on the testing
practices for the remaining 72%.
The high cost of importing sensitive and specific tests such as enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assays is probably the biggest constraint on testing of blood.
health-care workers exposed to needlestick injuries the minimum volume of blood
from a patient infected with HBV needed to transmit infection is 0.04 µl. The
risk of infection after a needlestick injury with a HBV-positive patient lies
between 7% and 30% or higher, the rate depending on whether the blood is
positive for HBeAg. (A CDC study showed that 37-62% of health-care workers
exposed to HBeAg-positive blood showed markers of infection and 22-31% developed
clinical acute hepatitis.) The average volume of blood inoculated during a
needlestick injury with a 22 gauge needle is about 1 µl which can contain up to
100 infectious doses of HBV.
equipment such as used in tattooing, earpiercing and acupuncture can lead to
transmission. Heterosexual transmission occurs, and may be facilitated by the
presence of genital ulcers. High rates of infection are seen in injecting drug
users, homosexual men and in the general population in many developing countries
as a result of sexual transmission. Horizontal transmission between children
also occurs and in Asia transmission from mothers to children (vertical
transmission) is even more prevalent, and represents therefore a serious
Clinical features of hepatitis B
infection has different clinical manifestations depending on the person’s age at
infection, immune status and the stage at which the disease is recognized.
infants and young children most HBV infections are asymptomatic; only some
5-10% of neonates show symptoms. Irrespective of the development of symptoms,
most infections (70-90%) progress to the chronic carrier state, with about
30-50% of these people developing chronic liver disease: cirrhosis and primary
liver cancer.
about a third of adults infected with HBV are completely without
symptoms, another third present with a ‘flu-like illness without jaundice; in
them HBV infection is rarely diagnosed. The rest of those infected present with
typical signs and symptoms of viral hepatitis, including jaundice, dark urine,
extreme fatigue and pain in the right upper quadrant. Activities of liver
enzymes, for example alanine aminotransferase, are often much greater than
normal and the serum concentration of bilirubin is also markedly raised. Among
those with symptomatic infection less than 1% develop fulminant hepatitis, but
this condition carries a very high mortality.
infected adults recover completely and develop lifelong immunity against the
virus, but some 6-10% fail to eradicate HBV and become chronic carriers and thus
infectious, often for life. In about a quarter of those who become carriers
chronic HBV infection can lead to progressive liver disease. Progression to
chronic hepatitis depends on continuing viral replication in the liver and on
the host response. When HBV replicates chronic active hepatitis develops and can
lead to cirrhosis. Chronic infection can also cover a long stage of quiescent
liver disease, with primary liver cancer developing 20-30 years after infection
with HBV.
When a
person is infected with both HBV and hepatitis D virus,
the latter infection may be self-limited as the virus cannot outlive the
transient HBV infection. However, superinfection of a chronic carrier of HBV
with HDV may lead to fulminant disease, but severe chronic hepatitis with an
accelerated progression to cirrhosis is more likely.
The most
important factor predisposing to the development of the chronic carrier state is
age at infection. During perinatal infection maternal HBV antigen and antibodies
may suppress the infant’s own immune response which in any case will be immature
and unlikely to mount an effective response against HBV antigens. Other factors
include male gender, immunosuppression through use of steroids or other
immunosuppressive drugs and immunodeficient conditions such as cancer and HIV
infection. Immunodeficient people infected with HBV tend to develop a milder
disease but are more likely to become carriers than immunocompetent ones.
Hepatitis B vaccines
Hepatitis B
vaccine consists of HBsAg. The first-generation vaccines were derived from the
plasma of chronic HBV carriers. The reason for this unusual approach to a
vaccine is that HBV could not, and still cannot, be grown in cell culture. The
various difficulties raised by the production of a vaccine from human plasma
spurred the search for alternatives. The gene for HBsAg can be expressed now in
both yeast and mammalian cells, producing a protein identical to that in the
plasma-derived vaccine except that it is not glycosylated. Nevertheless, as a
vaccine, the immunogenicity, efficacy and safety of this recombinant protein are
the same as those of the natural product.
Despite the
experience of their use over 15 years, some questions about the use of hepatitis
B vaccines remain unanswered. How long does protection last? Are booster doses
needed? What is the position regarding people who do not respond to hepatitis B
vaccination? How can we protect against mutant forms of HBV?
to HBsAg peak about 4-6 weeks after the final dose of vaccine and decrease in
concentration rapidly at first but progressively more slowly. Immunization
produces neutralizing antibodies that protect against HBV infection but it also
induces efficient and long-lasting immunological memory that allows protective
responses after antibodies have disappeared. Thus immunity lasts longer than the
persistence of antibodies. Recommendations for revaccination to boost immunity
can be relaxed. In general there is no clear evidence of the need for
booster doses after primary series of vaccination has been completed. Long-term
studies (field experience extends to 10-12 years) in high-risk newborns
demonstrate that protection against acute disease and development of a chronic
carrier state lasts beyond the fall of antibody levels. However, booster doses
are recommended in the package insert accompanying the vaccine in some
countries, and may be indicated in particular situations such as
immunocompromised patients or health-care workers. Testing for anti-HBs
after vaccination may be recommended for health-care workers who need to know
whether they are protected.
Some 3-5% of
people vaccinated do not produce specific antibodies after a normal course of
immunization. Although some immunodeficient people have seroconverted when
interleukin-2 has been administered with the vaccine, the procedure is
ineffective in immunocompetent subjects. Additional doses of vaccine can induce
immunity. With up to three additional doses, about half of the non-responders
eventually seroconvert.
escape mutants of HBV have been discovered but most have no biological or
medical significance. Some, however, especially those with mutations in the a
determinant of HBsAg, may resist the immune response. Consequently some doubt
has been cast on the effectiveness of present HBV vaccines, but these mutants do
not appear to be new or to pose any real danger. “Real” escape mutants have not
been observed.
Prevention and control policies
and control of HBV infection are now major health priorities, especially since
safe and effective vaccines have been available for more than a decade. In 1991
the WHO called for all countries to include hepatitis B vaccination in their
national immunization programmes by 1997. Routine immunization of infants is
recommended for countries with a prevalence of chronic HBV infection of 2% or
higher, and countries with lower rates may adopt immunization of adolescents
instead of or in addition to infant immunization. So far, more than 85 countries
world-wide have included hepatitis B vaccination in their national programmes.
In the WHO
European Region more than a million people acquire hepatitis B each year, of
whom about 90,000 will become chronic carriers of HBV. In the 25 countries in
central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States (NIS), many of which
have high incidence rates of HBV infection, only five have yet included HBV in
their national immunization programmes. The other countries have failed to do so
mainly because of economic constraints.
2.5 Epidemiology of hepatitis B
Global morbidity and mortality
Globally at
least 2000 million people have been infected with HBV at some time in their
lives and about 350 million are chronically infected. The general public
recognize HBV as a cause of jaundice but it is not widely known that the virus
is the major cause of death from cirrhosis and chronic liver disease including
liver cancer. Chronic hepatitis B infection is responsible for at least 60
million cases of liver cirrhosis world-wide, more than the number of cases
caused by alcohol. HBV infection is responsible for more than one million deaths
a year, and most of these result from its chronic manifestations. According to a
study in women in Taiwan the relative risk of developing liver cancer is 10
times greater than that of smokers developing lung cancer.
The epidemiology of hepatitis B in the region
Prevalence and incidence data
epidemiological measures are used to describe the burden of disease for HBV
infection. The most commonly used indicators are the prevalence of HBV carriers
in the population and the incidence of acute clinical hepatitis B. Three
categories of prevalence have been described: low (with <2% of the population
carrying the HBsAg marker), intermediate (2-8%) and high (>8%). The
prevalence of carriers indicates the size of the pool of infectious people and
those at risk of the chronic sequelae of HBV infection, namely cirrhosis and
primary liver cancer. The distribution of prevalences in the European region is
shown in Table 1 and Fig 1.
data need to be interpreted with care, for some of the studies used to determine
prevalence rates may be seriously biased. For instance, data on blood donors are
readily available but this group may be very unrepresentative of the general
population because of donor self-selection, socio-economic or cultural bias
about who donates blood, prior screening to eliminate HBsAg-positive people from
the donor pool, or the use of paid donors.

data for acute clinical hepatitis B are even more unreliable than data on the
prevalence of carriers of HBsAg. No two countries, even in Western Europe,
measure the incidence in the same way and there is no comparable standard case
definition across Europe.
The type and nature of reporting vary widely. Differences in reporting criteria
range from countries that report jaundice cases without serological
differentiation to countries that report hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Some
countries mix reporting of HBsAg carriers with that of cases of acute clinical
hepatitis B. Many countries do not have reagents available to differentiate
types of viral hepatitis and diagnosis is based on physicians’ instincts or
guesses. Some countries base their reporting on clinical cases whereas others
rely on laboratory reports. Still others use sentinel surveillance
systems. The degree of under-reporting is significant and differs for each
country. As hepatitis B is mainly an asymptomatic infection, this will play an
additional role in the under-reporting.
Endemicity of hepatitis B
virus infection in central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States
in terms of prevalence of HBsAg (no data available for Bosnia and Herzegovina
and for Yugoslavia)
Low (<2%)
Intermediate (2-8%) High (>8%)
Armenia |
Belarus |
Albania |
Croatia |
Bulgaria* |
Azerbaijan |
Czech Republic |
Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia |
Kazakhstan |
Estonia |
Georgia |
Kyrgyzstan |
Hungary |
Lithuania |
Moldova* |
Latvia |
Romania* |
Russian Federation (parts) |
Poland* |
Russian Federation (parts) |
Tadjikistan |
Slovak Republic |
Turkmenistan |
Slovenia |
Uzbekistan |
Ukraine+ |
* Hepatitis B vaccination
included in national immunization programme
+ Hepatitis B
vaccination included in national immunization programme but implementation
subject to financial constraints
Overall picture
countries of northern and western Europe have very low prevalences of HBV
infection (with rates of less than 0.5% of the population carrying HBsAg).
Incidence rates too are very low, being less than 1/100,000 in the general
population in Scandinavia, Ireland and the UK. The rates increase southwards
(incidence rates rising to about 6/100,000) but eastwards and south-eastwards
the picture is very different. The virus is highly endemic in some eastern
European countries and the Newly Independent States, especially the Central
Asian Republics; carriage rates of HBsAg rise to 2-7% in central and eastern
Europe and more than 8% (high endemicity) in the Central Asian Republics. Table
2 summarizes more detailed data acquired through questionnaires distributed to
participants before the meeting.
Hepatitis D
infection is present; in Central Asian Republics up to 20% of cases of HBV
infection also have D infection. Here little HBV-related carcinoma is seen, for
the simple reason that people die of D superinfection (and short life
expectancy) before the carcinoma can
develop. Rough estimates put the number of deaths from HBV-related cirrhosis and
hepatocellular carcinoma at about 200 a year in north-west Europe but about
18,600 in central and Eastern Europe.
Low prevalence countries
The lowest
prevalence rates outside western European countries are seen in the northern
parts of Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic republics and Armenia (see Table
2). Reported incidence rates in these regions range from 1 to 25 cases per
100,000 population a year. Although this is called ‘low’ endemicity relative to
other areas of the world, this does not imply a low burden of disease, and
hepatitis B continues to be a major infectious disease problem.
Screening of
blood donors in Croatia has shown a falling prevalence of HBsAg
positivity, from 1.53% in 1982 to 0.34% in 1991 and, after a rise, to 0.32% in
1995. There, immunization is compulsory for health workers exposed to infection
as well as for at-risk people. The Czech and Slovak Republics as well as
Hungary have HBsAg prevalence rates of less than 1%. Higher rates are
seen in Armenia, Poland, Ukraine and Slovenia but in
several countries the rates are declining. For instance, whereas the incidence
rate of acute hepatitis B in the general population in Slovenia in 1992
was about 6/100,000 it fell to 0.9/100,000 by October 1996. Data for Ukraine
for 1993-95 show an incidence of hepatitis B of 24-25 cases/100,000 population,
with highest rates in the under-1 year and 20-30 age groups. HBsAg carriage was
1.1% among blood donors but 2.3% among at-risk groups such as health workers and
injecting drug users. In Armenia screening of blood donors identified
1.25% carrying HBsAg in the first 9 months of 1996, a figure similar to that in
the previous 6 years, whereas the incidence of acute hepatitis B fell from
23.1/100,000 in 1990 to 9.7/100,000 in 1996.
Intermediate prevalence countries
prevalence rates of 2–7% are seen in the southern and eastern parts of central
and eastern Europe, a finding not appreciated in the West until the fall of
communism in this area. According to the national participants at the meeting,
both the acute and chronic sequelae of hepatitis B make it one of the most
important infectious disease problems in their countries. Most experts believe
that perinatal transmission is uncommon and that horizontal, sexual and
especially nosocomial transmission accounts for incidence rates that range from
25 to 100 per 100,000 population a year.
In The
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia blood-donor screening showed a
prevalence of 2.0% in the years 1992-95 while the incidence of all viral
hepatitides was 109/100,000. In Bulgaria HBsAg carrier prevalence is 3-5%
and 20% of the population have evidence of exposure to HBV. The incidence rate
of chronic HBV infection is high, 30.3/100,000, with a mortality rate for
chronic liver disease and primary liver cancer of 24/100,000. Belarus
recorded some 4100 carriers of HBsAg by August 1996 (39.8/100,000). Georgia
has seen a decline in reported cases of all hepatitides, the total falling to
about 7000 in 1994, with 19% due to hepatitis B or D, but it is recognized that
the decline is almost certainly an artefact of reporting, consequent on the
disruptions around independence and continuing through unaffordability of
medical care for many people. The extent of transmission of hepatitis B, C and D
through injecting drug use, occupational exposure among health-care
workers, blood transfusion and unsafe sex is "anybody's guess".
In the
Russian Federation generally, the proportion of cases of hepatitis B among
all reported viral hepatitides is steadily increasing, reaching about 30% in the
first 8 months of 1996. Incidence rates have doubled between 1992 and 1995. Low
and intermediate prevalences are found across the huge country; HBsAg carriage
rates range from 0.3% in the Tula oblast to 6.4% in the Tyva republic. Among
newborns across Russia in 1994 3.1% were carriers of HBsAg. In far-eastern
Russia the prevalence rate of HBsAg carriage is considered to be 5%.
Romania introduced hepatitis B immunization into the national immunization
programme in 1995 the prevalence of HBsAg in the general population was 5.95%
(with an anti-HBc prevalence of 31.0%) and the incidence rate of hepatitis B
infections was 24.4/100,000. By mid-1996 the incidence rate had fallen to
9.96/100,000, with a more than 2.5-fold reduction in the 1-14 year age group.
High endemicity countries
endemicity and morbidity due to hepatitis B lie in the intermediate range in
central Russia, in some regions such as central and eastern Siberia, the
Caucasian regions and the Central Asian Republics they are high, with prevalence
rates of HBsAg of 11.1% in Kyrgyzstan in 1994 and 15.6% in
Turkmenistan in 1995. Reported incidence rates of hepatitis B vary from
23.6/100,000 in Kazakhstan in 1994 (rising to 26.8/100,000 in 1995) and
98.5/100.000 in Uzbekistan in 1995 to 300-400 cases/100,000 in eastern
Siberia and about 400/100,000 in Turkmenistan in 1994 (where
the peak rate was reached in 1984 when about 1% of the population had
jaundice due to HBV). One can only guess at the number of subclinical cases in
these regions. Transmission patterns vary too. A study in Ashgabat
(Turkmenistan) in 1994 revealed that in 70% of cases of hepatitis B there had
been no known parenteral exposure. In Moscow in contrast no parenteral exposure
was determined in only 13% of cases.
Albania the HBV situation was described as very grave and dangerous, with
prevalence rates similar to those in the hyperendemic countries of Asia and
Africa. The Albanian Ministry of Health at the time of the meeting concluded
that the only effective intervention is universal vaccination.
Data on demography , markers of hepatitis B virus infection and
immunization policy in central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent
Country |
Population |
Live births (1995) |
Surveillance period |
HBV incidence 1995 (per 100 000) |
HBsAg prevalence 1996 |
Immunization policy |
Low endemicity |
Armenia |
3 759 900 (1996) |
51 267 |
1990-95 |
9.7 |
1.05% in blood donors (1995) |
- |
Croatia |
4 784 265 |
50 182 |
1990-95 |
3.8 (1991) |
0.3% in blood donors (1995) |
Czech Republic |
10 336 162 |
100 000 |
1975-95 |
17 in HCWs (1995) |
0.6% |
Estonia |
1 565 662 |
13 500 |
1965-96 |
10 |
- |
HCW/newborn of HBsAg-positive
mothers |
Hungary |
10 245 677 |
112 054 |
1987-95 |
2.2 |
0.5% in pregnant women |
Latvia |
536 000 |
- |
1988-95 |
19.6 |
1.3% in health-care workers |
HCW/newborns |
Poland |
38 609 000 |
433 100 |
1985-95 |
23 |
1.5-1.8% |
National Immunization Programme |
Slovak Republic |
5 363 676 |
61 427 |
1988-95 |
6.3 |
0.7% |
Slovenia |
1 989 477 |
19 377 |
1988-96 |
2.1 |
1.5% |
Vaccination of newborns
Ukraine |
51 298 000 |
570 000 |
1991095 |
24-25 |
1.1% in blood donors
2.3% in high-risk groups |
National Immunization Programme
(but financial constraints) |
Intermediate endemicity |
Belarus |
10 122 000 (1995) |
101 144 |
1991-96 |
14.91 |
up to 3.2% (rate of registered
carriers in 1996: 3.98%) |
Bulgaria |
8 400 000 (1995) |
83 000 |
1991-95 |
20 (general population)
3.5% in hospital staff 1996 |
~5% |
National Immunization Programme
(1988) |
Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia |
1 936 877 |
32 154 |
1995 |
109 (all viral hepatitides) |
2.07% in blood donors |
HCW/newborns/contacts |
Georgia |
420 000 |
65 000 |
1986-95 |
46 |
5-6% |
- |
Lithuania |
3 696 000 |
41 180 |
1965-95 |
14.2 |
~2.5% in blood donors |
Planned for National
Immunization Programme 1997 but no funds |
Romania |
22 680 951 |
236 640 |
1991-95 |
24.4 |
5.95% |
National Immunization Programme:
all newborns and HCWs at risk |
Russian Federation |
146 677 000 |
- |
1978-96 |
~35 (ranging from <20 to >65 for
different regions) |
1.9% (1994)
1.1% in blood donors
3.1% in newborns
from 0.3% in Tula to 6.4% in
Tyva oblasts |
National Immunization Programme
(but depends on funds) |
High endemicity |
Albania |
3 653 622 (1995) |
- |
- |
- |
(18%) |
- |
Azerbaijan |
7 642 000 (1996) |
- |
- |
- |
(high) |
- |
Kazakhstan |
17 209 000 |
362 000 |
1991-95 |
26.8 |
- |
(National Immunization Programme
1998) |
Kyrgyzstan |
4 745 000 |
120 000 |
1983-95 |
(28-170) |
11.1% |
HCW/HRG (Officially in National
Immunization Programme but not implemented for financial reasons) |
Moldova |
446 000 |
49 135 |
1991-95 |
40.8 |
8-10% |
National Immunization Programme:
all newborns |
Tadjikistan |
6 271 000 |
- |
1985-94 |
43.4 (1994) |
16.5% |
Screening and vaccination of
newborns |
Turkmenistan |
4 600 000 |
125 000 |
1991-95 |
(16-90) |
15.6% |
National Immunization Programme
(but not implemented for lack of funds) |
Uzbekistan |
23 342 000 |
- |
1991-95 |
98.5 |
- |
HRG planned
HCW: health-care worker
HRG: high-risk groups
Hospital-acquired infection
HBV is
transmitted nosocomially by three primary routes:
patient to health-care provider
patient to patient via contaminated equipment, and
from provider to patient.
The risk of
transmission from patient to health-care worker is well recognized and, before
the introduction of vaccination, was primarily related to the frequency of blood
contact in the workplace. The second route has been less commonly reported but
may account for a substantially higher proportion of the overall disease burden
associated with hepatitis B world-wide. It results mainly from the re-use of
contaminated medical and dental equipment such as needles and other sharp
instruments. Transmission from health-care provider to patient is infrequent and
primarily results through surgical invasive procedures by infected surgeons.
hospital personnel the prevalence of HBV infection was associated with
increasing years of work and exposure to blood. Rates vary by job category.
Highest rates, about 25-30%, are found in nurses working in emergency rooms
(accident and emergency departments) and in blood technicians who had a high
frequency of blood contact; other nurses and auxiliary staff also had high
rates. The lowest frequency, 5-6%, was found in dieticians and ward nurses who
had infrequent blood contact. Most needlestick injuries are associated with a
limited range of activities, namely administration of injections, drawing blood,
recapping needles after use, disposal of used needles and handling waste
material containing uncapped needles.
In some of
the countries in eastern and central Europe and the Newly Independent States
hospital-acquired infection with HBV is a significant problem. Poland, for
example, has one of the highest incidence rates in the region, about 35/100,000
in 1993 but the rate among health workers was about 4 times higher. More than
60% of cases and 80% of those in children were associated with stays in medical
institutions, especially hospitals. In most cases transmission was due to
inadequate sterilization of equipment, as most hospitals used hot-air dryers in
the almost total absence of autoclaves. High levels of nosocomially transmitted
HBV (and also of HIV) have been reported from Romania and Russia.
Strategies for the prevention of hepatitis B
As the
examples of Poland and Bulgaria suggest, the prevention of hepatitis B infection
requires that routine infant immunization is accompanied by other important
measures such as the implementation of safe injection procedures, proper
sterilization of medical and dental equipment, proper screening of blood,
vaccination of health-care workers and people in the general population at high
risk, the adoption of standard precautions in health-care settings, avoidance of
the sharing of needles by injecting drug users and safer sex. Lack of funds in
many countries means that blood screening programmes are not fully functional,
equipment is not sterilized or is re-used inappropriately, and vaccines are not
affordable. Many of the countries of central and eastern Europe and the NIS have
prevalences of hepatitis B that pose substantial problems in terms of prevention
and control but have very limited resources that are unable to cover all
options. Sound epidemiological data and economic evaluation studies are needed
to set priorities.
for the control and prevention of hepatitis fall into four main categories:
general preventive measures
universal precautions
passive immunization and
active immunization.
General preventive measures
The general
public, health-care providers and health-policy makers must be educated about
the dangers of hepatitis B and other blood-borne infections. General preventive
measures offer protection against not just HBV but other infectious agents as
well and are focused on certain types of behaviour. Thus injecting drug users
must be encouraged either to stop or to practice safer injecting techniques and
be given access to sterilized needles. For all sexually active people, condoms
will give considerable protection against HIV and other sexually transmitted
diseases. These measures need continuing education efforts targeted at people
with high-risk behaviours.
Standard precautions
Blood and
body fluid precautions, usually referred to as standard precautions (and
previously as universal precautions), stress that all patients should be
considered to be infectious for HBV and other blood-borne pathogens and that
measures should be taken to prevent exposure to all blood and blood-derived
fluids. These precautions include the use of appropriate personal protective
equipment such as gloves, gowns, masks and eyewear to prevent exposure to blood;
the careful handling and disposal of needles and other sharp instruments; and
the maintenance of a work environment free from contamination through use of
appropriate disinfection procedures.
routes of transmission of HBV to patients have been documented, including
transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products, use of
jet gun injectors with a design fault that allowed blood to remain inside the
equipment, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, and indirect
transfer from contaminated environmental surfaces in haemodialysis units. The
contribution of unsafe injection practices to the burden of hepatitis B globally
is unknown but likely to be substantial. Mathematical modelling supports this
view: in a region with very high endemicity and in which infants receive 5
injections as part of their series of standard immunizations, nearly 40 infants
out of every 1000 immunized could be infected with HBV if a needle is re-used 4
times before it is disposed of or sterilized.
of such transmission to patients includes general measures such as reduction in
the frequency of unnecessary injections and of invasive surgical procedures, use
of appropriate practices to screen blood donors (including screening for HBsAg),
and use of appropriate means to inactivate and remove viruses in the manufacture
of blood products. Infection-control procedures that can reduce the risk of HBV
transmission include sterilization of all re-usable needles and sharp
instruments, appropriate disposal of single-use needles and other sharp
instruments, restriction of the use of multidose vials, and isolation of HBsAg-positive
dialysis patients. Because of the risks outside the health-care setting, for
instance through acupuncture, scarification, tattooing, circumcision, body
piercing and dental work, the public needs to be informed about the risk of HBV
transmission from invasive procedures with inadequately sterilized equipment.
Vaccination strategies
Selective vaccination
After the
first vaccines were licensed about 15 years ago, the prevention strategy was to
vaccinate those people at high risk, such as health-care workers, homosexual
men, injecting drug users, people with many sexual partners, mentally
handicapped residents in institutions, recipients of multiple blood
transfusions and infants born to HBV-carrier mothers.
The greatest
impact of this approach has been the immunization of health-care workers. About
three quarters of the countries in Europe now have a policy towards immunization
of health-care workers. Clearly it is desirable to immunize health-care workers,
but cases of HBV infection in this group account for only about 10% of those in
the entire community.
countries had a selective policy of adult vaccination, targeting people at
high-risk such as injecting drug users, homosexual men, patients on
haemodialysis and in a few cases patients
attending sexually transmitted disease clinics. Most countries in western Europe
applied a selective policy towards patients on dialysis but this practice was
adopted by only a few countries in central and eastern Europe and the Newly
Independent States.
selective strategy for HBV control also includes the screening of pregnant women
and treatment of the infants of carrier mothers. In 17 countries of the WHO
European Region pregnant women are routinely screened for HBsAg and those who
test positive are subsequently vaccinated. Nine countries have selective
strategies. In 1994 Finland changed from a selective policy to one of routine
screening. The Russian Federation and some Central Asian Republics have claimed
financial constraints for not implementing routine screening of pregnant women.
Despite the
prevention of many cases of HBV infection, it is clear that the strategy of
immunization of those at high risk has failed. Several reasons account for this
failure. These include:
The importance of disease due to HBV has been underestimated, and even
physicians do not realize the burden of disease.
Most of those who have been vaccinated (e.g. health-care workers) make up
only a small proportion of the total number of people infected and are not
necessarily those at greatest risk.
Large groups of people at risk such as heterosexuals and homosexual men
with multiple sexual partners and injecting drug users are difficult to target.
In addition many people at risk (such as homosexual men and injecting drug
users) are marginalized in society and either lack motivation to seek preventive
medical interventions or actively distrust the organs of state responsible for
prevention and health care.
About a third of the patients with hepatitis B have no identifiable risk
factors and so would be missed by such a selective strategy.
There is a general lack of infrastructure for the delivery of vaccine to
adults and there is a general failure of adult immunization.
The cost of hepatitis B vaccine is high. When the recommendation was made
in 1991 for global introduction, hepatitis B vaccine cost about US$3 per dose,
making a full course of vaccinations more than 10 times more expensive that all
the other EPI vaccines combined.
Universal vaccination
One approach
to universal vaccination is the routine immunization of adolescents. This would
have a more rapid impact on the incidence of hepatitis than routine immunization
of children. Some, but not all, low endemicity countries are implementing
(France, Germany, and Italy) or considering (Belgium and Switzerland) adolescent
vaccination through the school health systems. Adolescents have on average less
than one routine health-care visit each year compared with about 4 such visits a
year for infants. Thus adolescents would need additional visits to complete the
course of hepatitis B vaccination. Many countries do not have a system in place
for vaccinating adolescents.
immunization of infants is generally recognized as the basic strategy for
long-term control of hepatitis B in areas of high and intermediate endemicity
(and is preferred in most low endemicity countries). Infections during infancy
and early childhood contribute disproportionately to the pool of HBV carriers.
In much of the world infant immunization programmes are the only functioning
vaccine-delivery systems (and there are several instances where civil wars have
been suspended for national immunization days) and most countries have
immunization-delivery systems that can provide immediate access to about 80% of
the country’s newborns. The Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) is
one of the public health success stories of latter years. In most developing
countries hepatitis B would be best controlled by simple mass vaccination of all
infants without the need to introduce expensive and complex programmes.
The World
Health Assembly agreed in May 1992 that all countries should incorporate
hepatitis B vaccination into their national immunization programmes by 1997.
However, the implementation of new national programmes is not easy and needs
careful consideration, especially from the economic point of view.
The five
countries in central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States that
have introduced hepatitis B immunization of infants into their national
programmes are Albania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland and Romania. In all these five
countries the introduction of hepatitis B vaccination into the national
programme is now substantially reducing incidence rates. For instance, Bulgaria
introduced mandatory universal immunization of all newborns and health-care
workers at high risk in 1991 and has subsequently implemented further measures
in its programme to eliminate HBV by the year 2020. No deaths from HBV infection
in infants were reported in 1993-94 and no case was seen in an infant in 1995.
In Poland immunization of newborns and infants of HBsAg-positive mothers was
introduced in 1989; of health workers, medical students, nursery school children
and laboratory technicians in 1990; of patients before operation in 1993; and
for all newborns and infants in 1994-96 (starting in districts with highest
of universal vaccination should save millions of lives in the countries in the
region, particularly in those where HBV is hyperendemic. In Turkmenistan the
Ministry of Health has conducted a pilot study with follow up 4-6 years after a
group of infants was vaccinated. Whereas in unvaccinated children HBsAg carrier
rates of 7-17% were detected, the rate was 3% in the vaccinated 4-6-year old
children. A similar picture was seen for anti-HBc. For e antigen none of the
vaccinated group was positive in contrast to 19% of the unvaccinated group and
anti-HDV was detected in none of the vaccinated group compared with 13% of the
unvaccinated group.
Infants, adolescents and those at high risk
strategies include combined universal infant and adolescent vaccination, but
this dual approach, while being highly cost-effective, needs the allocation of
substantial resources. Once a universal vaccination programme is in place,
efforts to vaccinate people at high risk of HBV infection should not be
Promoting vaccination
health planners, policy makers and the public of the need for hepatitis B
immunization can be difficult. Clinical hepatitis B is more common in adults
and consequently less popularly emotive than paediatric conditions and
diseases such as acute respiratory diseases and diarrhoeal diseases. The case
for preventive programmes will rest on the delineation of the disease burden,
the proof of cost effectiveness, the raising of awareness and comprehensive
prevention strategies.
providers and politicians of the need for prevention of hepatitis B is
difficult. Five main elements contribute to the establishment of prevention of
HBV transmission as a public health priority:
an understanding of the epidemiology of HBV
transmission (and data presented at the meeting (see sections to have contributed significantly to our understanding of the epidemiology
of HBV infection in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States)
knowledge of the disease burden
clear cost-effectiveness of a vaccination
information and education campaigns, and
the development of a prevention strategy.
remain. In many cases, the aetiology of chronic liver disease is not known and
death may result from different causes. Policy makers have competing priorities.
Information and education programmes are necessary to raise the awareness among
professionals and public but these can be time-consuming (and costly); it may
take some time to convince decision makers and doctors about the value of
hepatitis B immunization (see, e.g., section 2.7.3 below). Hepatitis B
immunization costs more than other EPI immunizations and the level of
expenditure raises questions about sustainability of programmes. Nevertheless,
negotiated prices have reduced the cost of vaccines substantially and
together with a better understanding of HBV infection this has made universal
immunization against hepatitis B cost-effective in different parts of the world.
In each
country the steps necessary for the establishment of a national programme need
to be identified and clearly set out. In principle, the actions necessary for
the implementation of universal immunization are the same for every country.
These are:
the fostering and sustaining of political
the development of appropriate technical and
procurement strategies
support for integration of HBV vaccination into
the existing national immunization programme and
the evaluation of the impact of this
integration of hepatitis B immunization.
towards such action include the collaboration of health-care providers,
government policy makers and the public in order to raise the necessary
pressure. Awareness of HBV infection needs to be generated through education of
the public, patients, those at risk, their care providers and medical
specialists. The epidemiology and burden of disease must be understood, and for
this to happen surveillance data are needed. Hepatitis B prevention and control
then need to be accorded a high public health priority in order to win
commitment and allocation of sufficient resources.
Priority setting
The chances
of success of a hepatitis B immunization programme depend of the priority it is
given by a given government, its ability to implement such a programme, the
cost, and a series of operational considerations.
The performance of all the immunization services will need to be reviewed and
not only the school medical services but the private sector will need to be
setting is not only a medico-scientific issue but also a political decision. In
France, for instance, technical teams were evaluating the economic and
epidemiological chances of success of hepatitis B immunization when the minister
of health took a political decision in 1994 to adopt universal childhood
Disease burden
With regard
to disease burden, most morbidity and mortality is related to chronic HBV
infection, but often the aetiology of chronic liver disease is unknown. Deaths
may often be attributed to different causes such as gastrointestinal bleeding,
sepsis or renal failure. In highly endemic areas, chronic liver disease
is the leading cause of death (see, e.g., section 2.7.5), and so, for the
development of strategy, the burden of disease needs to include deaths due to
HBV (and HDV) as the basis for an economic evaluation.
Cost effectiveness
Cost-effectiveness studies are necessary for various prevention strategies, but
the fact that hepatitis B vaccine itself may be more expensive than all the
other EPI vaccines combined presents a particular challenge for hepatitis B
prevention. Policy makers are faced with competing public health priorities,
from emergencies over cardiovascular diseases to outbreaks of infectious
disease. In addition, the demands for sustainability require long-term planning
for vaccine supply, whether through local manufacture or procurement. In the
USA, for instance, data show that perinatal HBV prevention is more
cost-effective than prevention given to adolescents, with a cost/year of life
saved of US$1220 (see also below).
Information and education
of hepatitis B will only be established as a public health priority when
providers, policy makers, partners in development, patients and the general
public are educated and informed about the benefits. Providers need to be
assured about the safety of the vaccine, its efficacy and administration.
Information about disease burden and cost-effectiveness will help persuade the
policy makers.
In the USA
it took a long time before decision makers and doctors were convinced of the
benefits of hepatitis B vaccination. Immediately after the decision was made
only some 30% of physicians (and 17% of family doctors) implemented it, but now
the position has changed and as a result some 90% are immunizing all newborns.
The strategy
is, quite simply, prevention through universal immunization of infants. The
existing vaccines, whether derived from plasma or developed with recombinant
antigens, are highly effective. Preventive efforts need to be focused (as the
disease affects many age groups). Before any new vaccines can be considered by a
government, the country must have an intact EPI system in place. Finally, the
preventive strategy should include an overall plan of universal precautions for
blood-borne pathogens (in other words covering nosocomial transmission and
protection of the blood supply).
Disease burden in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
In an
attempt to help planners in Kyrgyzstan (where the annual health budget is the
equivalent of US$400,000 or about $9 per person), researchers from the Hepatitis
Branch of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysed mortality
data for the Issyk-Kul oblast in Kyrgyzstan to determine the burden of disease
in terms of disability adjusted life years (DALYs). As a proportion of mortality
due to infectious diseases, the contribution of hepatitis B was small (about
3%) compared with the leading causes of death (acute respiratory diseases, other
infectious diseases and diarrhoeal diseases) but when deaths from chronic liver
disease were included and the data were expressed in terms of DALYs hepatitis B
infection rose to become the second highest cause of death.
Among the
almost 420,000 people in Issyk-Kul oblast in 1994 3614 deaths were recorded,
most due to cardiovascular diseases. Interpretation in terms of years of
potential life lost lessens the impact of these diseases, and application of the
World Bank’s measure of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) does so even
These data
show how closer examination of morbidity and application of a recently developed
methodology for assessing the impact of disease can lead to a much clearer
picture of the burden of disease. A first step in determining health priorities
is to ascertain the causes of morbidity and mortality. As in many of the Newly
Independent States, mortality data in Kyrgyzstan, and equally for its
constituent oblasts, are reasonably reliable, but data on morbidity are
generally unavailable.
that are used to promote hepatitis B vaccine thus should be based on the
prevention of a substantial proportion of preventable deaths.
Health economics
budgets are limited and the increasing costs of health care mean choices have to
be made in health-care provision. Health economists at the University of Antwerp
(WHO Collaborating Centre for Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis) argued
for economic evaluation, the finding of the optimal way of dividing scarce
resources between the various health-care provisions, as a useful auxiliary
instrument that can help in this decision-making process. Indeed,
economic evaluation consists of the comparison of relevant alternative
interventions with respect to both costs and effects, giving additional
information for the setting of priorities and contributing to rational decision
cost-effectiveness ratios were compared for various public health interventions
in a country with a low endemicity for hepatitis B, it became clear that in
terms of direct costs universal hepatitis B immunization is cost-effective.
Although pertussis vaccination is cost-saving, universal hepatitis B
immunization is more effective than varicella vaccination, cervical cancer
screening and universal immunization against Haemophilus influenzae type
b. Several studies in low-endemicity countries indicate that universal hepatitis
B vaccination is cost-effective from the health care payers’ point of
In countries
with high and intermediate endemicity, universal childhood vaccination
programmes have been found to be cost-saving from the point of view of the
medical care payer.
economic evaluation can indeed provide a rational basis for decision making,
more standardization in the approach is needed, and it too depends on the
defined burden of disease as well as the health-care infrastructure and
vaccine-delivery system of a country.
Resource mobilization
infrastructures will allow an additional vaccine to those already in the
Expanded Programme on Immunization to be delivered to almost the entire
population of most countries within a year of its introduction. But even if a
new vaccine were added, governments and donors are concerned about how to
sustain both the infrastructure and the annual immunization coverage. This
concern is not restricted to hepatitis B vaccine but to other vaccines that are
being successfully developed but for which there is no guarantee of funding.
In the 1980s
donors and partners in development had financially supported the entire supply
of low-price vaccines for many developing countries, in the expectation that
governments would work towards sustainability by gradually replacing external
funding with their own resources. The advent of hepatitis B vaccine came as a
shock and presented an uncomfortable prospect: the financial needs of national
immunization programmes did not end with provision of the core vaccines; rather,
these needs began with this supply. The problem will be compounded when a whole
range of new and improved vaccines becomes available. Hepatitis B vaccine alone
would be likely to increase vaccine budgets by a factor of three or four, and
faced with this increase many donors decided not to support its provision for
any developing country.
A review by
the WHO in 1993 of progress in introducing hepatitis B vaccine into national
programmes showed that, among the countries with strong immunization programmes
and where hepatitis B was seen as a major health risk, those that were larger
and had higher Gross National Products (GNPs) had succeeded in introducing
hepatitis B vaccine into their programmes. Small and low-income countries had
failed to obtain supplies of the vaccine. At roughly the same time UNICEF, a
major purchaser of vaccines, explored its impact on the vaccine market and hence
reviewed its procurement strategy. Together the two UN agencies developed a
joint strategy designed to increase sustainability and to assist developing
countries with new vaccines. This strategy comprises three elements:
increased government financing of the costs of immunization, particularly
assignation of priorities given to funding and support for needed new
vaccines, and
assurance of affordable prices and availability of all vaccines.
The new
policy moves towards addressing the differences between immunization programmes,
meeting the specific needs of each country and setting priorities for the use of
the financial resources for immunization.
Increased government financing
that can finance their own programmes are being supported to become independent
while help is being focused on weaker countries that need continued assistance.
Three factors are used to identify the capacity of different countries to be
self-sufficient: the relative wealth of a country (GNP per caput), the total
population size, and a country’s “status” or “voice” in the international market
place (i.e. GNP itself). In this way countries can be grouped into four bands
(see Fig. 2):
Figure 2 :
Sustainable vaccine supply : global targeting strategy for central and eastern
Europe and the Newly Independent States (ref : State of the world’s vaccines and
immunization (Bellamy C & Nakajima H, eds) World Health Organization & United
Nations, Geneva, 1996

Band A: those that need financial support
Band B: those that need some financial support
but more importantly such services as help in planning, procurement and
arrangement of flexible credit
Band C: those that have the wealth or size to
become entirely self-sufficient in procuring or producing their vaccine supply
but which need a one-off investment to help them become independent, and
Band D: those that can rapidly become
independent with less external support.
Countries in
Band A need continued support for their immunization programmes and vaccine
supply. Without donor support their governments would not be able to maintain
existing programmes let alone buy new vaccines. Nevertheless the strategy calls
for these countries to start to set budgets, albeit small ones, for vaccines.
Partners in development will help these countries access the new vaccines
depending of the public health importance of the disease, the priority accorded
to it nationally and the strength of the immunization programme. These countries
include Albania and Tadjikistan (see Table 3).
Sustainable vaccine
supply: banding of countries for global targeting strategy
Band A |
Band B |
Band C |
Band D |
Albania |
Armenia |
Belarus |
Russia |
Bosnia |
Azerbaijan |
Czech Republic |
Slovenia |
Tadjikistan |
Bulgaria |
Estonia |
Croatia |
Hungary |
Georgia |
Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan |
Latvia |
Lithuania |
Poland |
Macedonia |
Slovakia |
Moldova |
Ukraine |
Romania |
FR Yugoslavia |
Turkmenistan |
Source: WHO
Countries in
Band B can become more independent in planning and financing their vaccine
supply but would still benefit from services provided through mechanisms (such
as the Vaccine Independence Initiative) which provide more flexible credit terms
and support to procure vaccines. Those already producing vaccines will be
provided with additional training in quality control, production, procurement
and licensing as necessary. The target is for all such countries to be financing
80-100% of the EPI vaccine supply within 4 years. Band B includes Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Macedonia,
Moldova, Romania, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Band C
countries will be offered one-time support with training for procurement,
establishment of national vaccine quality control systems, strengthening of
existing local production or other areas designed to help them reach
self-sufficiency. These countries include Belarus, the Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Ukraine and the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (borderline with Band B).
Band D
countries (including all countries with GNP per caput greater than US$6000 per
annum and which include Russia and Slovenia) need no continuing support but may
become entirely independent with a single investment into their vaccine supply
Setting priorities for funding and services
have been agreed for countries that should have the highest priority for support
for hepatitis B vaccine:
identification of vaccine as a priority for
introduction (set out in the 1992 World Health Assembly resolution)
high burden of disease (>5% prevalence of HBsAg
carriage in the population)
financial need (countries in Bands A and B)
strong immunization programme (at least 70%
coverage with DTP3 immunizations)
government commitment (finance at least up to
the sustainability target that has been set out for each Band), and
a decision by the Ministry of Health to
introduce the vaccine.
meeting these criteria would be eligible for support to introduce hepatitis B
vaccine. Band A countries would receive 90-100% financing. Band B countries
would receive some form of matched funding phased over 3-4 years and be able to
purchase vaccine at the low price negotiated by UNICEF. Band C and D countries
would be responsible for procuring vaccine directly on open markets.
UNICEF has been able to negotiate a price for EPI vaccines based on the
manufacturers’ marginal costs but the industry has hesitated to allow such a
formula to apply to new vaccines like hepatitis B. Nevertheless it appears that
there is room for negotiation. Manufacturers have indicated that the lowest
price based on marginal costing could be reached if the offer was limited to
only the neediest countries and not applied to all developing countries, many of
whom it is recognized could afford the prices that cover full costs. UNICEF’s
tenders for 1996-97 reflected the new objective of early access to affordable
new vaccines at affordable prices.
Besides the
representatives of the various countries (see Annex 2) some donors and partners
in development attended the meeting. These included the Rotary
International, UNICEF, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and
the World Bank. (ECHO was invited but did not participate).
In terms of
support for hepatitis B, “the door is not wide open, but it is not closed”, as a
representative of one partner in development described it. Both donors such as
USAID and manufacturers have accepted the banding system for financing routine
immunization programmes. Partners in development recognize that it is of utmost
importance that parties respect the system. Funds are available for training and
partners in development have indicated their willingness to provide technical
assistance and help in programme development.
Examples of
support in technical assistance and support are several. USAID has provided
assistance to many countries in the region since 1992 for the control of
infectious disease, contributing US$35 million so far in technical assistance,
vaccine equipment (including cold-chain materials) and most recently
sustainability of immunization programmes. UNICEF has provided Romania with
funds for a year’s supply of hepatitis B vaccine in a programme that includes
elements of cost recovery and evaluation (through the CDC). Training in
procurement of vaccines enabled Moldovan officials to produce a tender to buy
vaccines that has been supported by the Japanese. Money has been invested in the
Ukraine to prevent nosocomial HBV infections and to safeguard the handling of
blood. In the Central Asian Republics programmes have been introduced through
the CDC to help formulate and implement policies and programmes to control HBV
infection. The WHO, CDC and VHPB can assist in the adaptation and application of
a mathematical model to assess disease burden.
difficulties remain. There is evidence of “donor fatigue” and donors are
increasingly responding to and interested in emergencies. Equally, donors may
already have set, long-term programmes and priorities. For example, Rotary
International continues its support for polio eradication but may only be able
to apply its successful experience to hepatitis B when its polio programme ends
in the year 2005. Meanwhile individual initiatives are always possible, however;
its constituent clubs and districts are independent and some have initiated
separate programmes for hepatitis B, for instance in Italy for Albania. For the
Central Asian Republics support has been aimed at rebuilding the capacity to
implement the original EPI programme with its 6 antigens; hepatitis B does not
feature in the plans as there are limited funds and established priorities. A
meeting of donors in Bishkek in 1993 heard of the problems of hepatitis B and
called for data to be collected. These were presented at Siofók [see]
but the issue now is how to implement policy? There are inevitable concerns
about sustainability, especially in an era of increasing donor fatigue and
multiple and growing priorities.
2.10.1 Resource mobilization
recommendations for national actions were put forward.
Countries should create a national “Task Force on Hepatitis B Prevention”
whose composition should include leading, reputable physicians and academicians
dedicated to the goal of prevention and control of hepatitis B.
Each government should draft a national Action Plan on Hepatitis B
Prevention. The plan should include the following points:
a description of the size of the problem, that
is: disease burden, health impact and economic burden. The CDC, Rotary
International, UNICEF, USAID, VHPB, WHO, World Bank and other partners in
development are prepared to offer assistance with this task.
preventive measures to be taken (e.g.
immunization of health-care workers), with the ultimate goal of universal infant
a timetable for implementation (with a
step-by-step approach, starting with high-risk areas and extending to broader
regional areas and eventually country-wide coverage) with the final objective of
a sustainable programme.
resource allocation, according to the
timetable, with identification first of national resources and secondly of donor
support necessary to complete the funding requirements; in addition there should
be a plan for long-term sustainable national financing. (Reference to the
WHO/UNICEF targeting strategy for sustainable vaccine supply, see section 2.9.1
above, indicates that countries in Bands A and B, with a prevalence of HBsAg
carriers of greater than or equal to 5%, and EPI coverage of >70% and meeting
the sustainability target for traditional vaccines, could expect donor support.)
The national Action Plan for hepatitis B prevention should be
closely linked to the primary immunization programme of the country to ensure
its sustainability.
A broad consensus needs to be built, securing the highest possible
political commitment for approval of the plan.
The approved action plan must be provided to the Ministry of Finance and
potential partners in development (as well as national interagency immunization
committees which exist; if they do not, then efforts should be made to create
Good examples of donor agreements to support the provision of
vaccines for immunization programmes include the Nordic support to the Baltic
countries and that of the Government of Japan to Central Asian countries in both
of which instances the start-up phase has been financed by the donors and the
national contributions are increased year by year until 100% financial
self-sufficiency is reached.
The procurement of hepatitis B vaccine needs to be carefully prepared and
executed (and in this area too the WHO, UNICEF, VHPB, USAID, CDC and other
partners in development are able and willing to provide assistance). Issues to
be considered include the choice of plasma-derived or recombinant vaccines: they
are equally effective, immunogenic and safe, but plasma-derived vaccine are
Successful results should be published at every opportunity. If financial
problems threaten the programme, then the political implications and
disadvantages of interruption of the programme need to be argued rather than the
epidemiological risks.
2.10.2 Monitoring and surveillance
Lack of comparability of surveillance data between counties
Five main
problems hamper the comparison of surveillance data between countries. These
many countries only report jaundice, with no
further aetiological diagnosis than “viral hepatitis”; most countries do not
have a sufficient supply of diagnostic reagents to determine the aetiology,
there is no standard case definition,
the diagnostic criteria for the reporting of
cases varies between countries,
the age structure of cases of hepatitis
differs, as younger persons with hepatitis are less likely to be reported on
account of their milder or asymptomatic illness, and
differences in case ascertainment: in some
countries all people with jaundice may be admitted to hospital whereas in others
only a small proportion may be so admitted. Cases not admitted to hospital are
less likely to be reported.
Assessing the burden of disease due to HBV infections
measures were identified that would enable the disease burden to be determined.
These were:
data on the incidence of acute hepatitis B,
which would be obtained from surveillance data;
the prevalence of chronic HBV infection (with
data on pregnant women and children giving more reliable and representative
information than surveys of blood donors);
the proportion of pregnant women who are HBeAg
positive (which will give an indication of the contribution of perinatal
transmission to the overall disease burden), and
the mortality rate from chronic liver disease
as a result of HBV infection: i.e. cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Monitoring the effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccination programmes
Three main
surveillance methods are available to monitor the effectiveness of hepatitis B
vaccination programmes. The first provides data on vaccination coverage, with
information coming from either registries or coverage surveys. A second measure
consists of the changes in rates of acute HBV infection over time. Acute disease
surveillance is a good means of monitoring disease in adults but not in children
because asymptomatic infections in the latter would not be counted. Finally, one
of the best measures of the effectiveness of routine infant immunization
programmes is the change in prevalence of chronic HBV infection over time, with
data coming from serial population-based seroprevalence studies of children.
2.10.3 Vaccines and immunization
Review of
the key characteristics of vaccines indicated that both plasma-derived and
recombinant vaccines are safe and highly effective, meeting the requirements of
the WHO. Both can be used in national programmes. Flexibility of scheduling
allows these vaccines to be easily integrated into national programmes, and
hepatitis B vaccine can be given safely with other childhood vaccines.
immunization of infants with hepatitis B vaccine beginning at birth is highly
effective against perinatal transmission of HBV. Administration of hepatitis B
immune globulin (HBIG) offers only a marginal increase in efficacy.
Consequently, the addition of maternal screening for HBsAg and treatment with
HBIG will greatly increase the costs of the programme with little increase in
efficacy. Such a course is not recommended unless a country has substantial
resources. Testing both before and after administration of vaccine is not
recommended in national programmes.
issues with regard to vaccine usage emerged. While it is acceptable to
administer hepatitis B vaccine simultaneously with other vaccines, it is not
acceptable to mix the vaccines, as some have to be administered at different
sites. A new vaccine combining DTP and hepatitis B antigens may soon become
available. When considering its possible use, countries should consider the
schedule (noting that hepatitis B vaccine will
still have to be given at birth at which age DTP cannot be given; consequently
the schedule of doses may become more complex),
the impact of the importation of the
combination product on local production of vaccine.
It is not
currently possible to adopt a 2-dose
schedule for hepatitis B vaccine. Three doses are necessary to ensure high
seroconversion rates and high antibody titres. With regard to booster doses, it
was noted that some manufacturers argue in the literature accompanying the
vaccine for a booster dose to be given at 5 years of age. At present, in view of
the universal immunization programmes, there is no need for booster doses.
2.10.4 Vaccine production, quality control and regulatory issues
drew on the expertise of representatives of vaccine-production facilities,
national control authorities, and immunization programme managers in countries
that procured hepatitis B vaccines directly or received them from UNICEF or
other partners in development. With regard to the principles of quality control
and quality assurance, the idea was accepted that quality means compliance with
previously established requirements. The system of double control to which most
vaccines in international commerce are subject includes a strict system to
maintain consistency of production through application of Good Manufacturing
Practice and in-process control by the manufacturer, as well as the independent
control exercised by the National Control Authority.
The WHO has
defined six essential national control functions that should be exercised in all
vaccine-producing countries, namely:
a written system of registration and licensing
for vaccines,
review of clinical data as part of the
vaccine-evaluation process,
a system of lot release of vaccines,
a control laboratory for vaccine testing,
a system of inspections to ensure compliance
with Good Manufacturing Practice, and
a system of surveillance to detect problems in
vaccine performance in the field.
The exercise
of these functions depends on the source of the vaccines. Whatever the source,
there need to be a written system of licensing and surveillance of production
units. Receipt of vaccines through UNICEF and procurement are the two major
sources of hepatitis B vaccines for countries in central and eastern Europe and
the Newly Independent States. In these cases, there is less or no need for
clinical review, testing for lot by lot consistency or the testing of certain
components. Instead the WHO maintains an additional system of control.
Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of each nation to ensure that vaccines
used in its immunization programmes are safe and effective. At the very least,
national authorities must determine the specifications of the vaccines they use
and monitor their impact.
procuring vaccines must assume additional responsibilities. They must choose
reputable sources of materials, adopt written requirements for vaccines (e.g.
those produced by the WHO), and review lot production protocols for vaccine
release. For many countries, however, the paucity of resources and the lack of
experience are serious impediments to the implementation of such a system. As a
result the following recommendations were made:
Countries should begin to institute mechanisms that ensure the quality of
the vaccines used in their national immunization programmes.
To help in this process, the WHO can provide documentation and technical
advice and also convene intercountry meetings to enhance regional collaboration.
Those countries with well developed National Control Authorities can
serve as sources of expertise to countries now developing these systems and can
provide laboratory support as needed.
2.10.5 Nosocomial transmission
differences in the definition of a nosocomial infection have been resolved, with
acceptance of the following. A nosocomial infection:
develops during any health-care activity (and
not only in hospital)
arises when a non-nosocomial infection under
the above circumstances spread to a new organ system, or
originates from a nosocomially acquired
pathogen even if the illness develops after the termination of the health-care
infection has a long and variable incubation period. Consequently, after only a
short stay by a patient in hospital, the nosocomial origin of the subsequent
HBV-related illness is hard to verify. Similarly, for health-care workers many
possibilities of infection with HBV exist outside the hospital environment. As a
result data on nosocomial HBV infections in either patients or health-care
workers should be regarded as based on suppositions rather than proven facts.
There was no
discussion of the introduction of vaccination of health-care workers where it is
not already done as a high priority. (The European Parliament resolved in 1993
that all workers at risk of HBV infection should be vaccinated.) Rather the
consensus was that, with only a few exceptions, hygienic measures could alone
prevent health-care workers from being infected with HBV. The prerequisites are
that the necessary safety equipment and clothing (such as high quality gloves
and safe blood delivery systems) are available and that health-care workers are
motivated to adhere to infection-control rules. Experience from some countries
in Western Europe (e.g. Germany and Switzerland) shows that, despite the
availability of all the necessary safety measures and a good awareness of the
risks of infection, infection-control rules were only partially adhered to; it
was only the fear of AIDS that motivated health-care workers to apply the rules
more rigorously.
Good quality
materials (gloves etc) are necessary, and in most, but not all, countries of
central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States suitable equipment
is available. The paucity of autoclaves,
though, has already been noted (see section In addition,
compliance with infection-control procedures is also vital. This needs
reinforcing, as the fact that the hepatitis B vaccine protects health-care
workers from HBV infection may diminish their motivation to observe
infection-control rules or universal precautions even though other blood-borne
viruses follow the same route of transmission. Hepatitis B vaccination does not
absolve health-care workers of the responsibility to observe infection-control
little is known about transmission from patient to patient, especially in the
countries of the region. With increasing injecting drug use in some of the
countries and high prevalences of hepatitis B in
some groups and minorities in the population, it is inevitable that the
chances of contact between infected and uninfected patients will increase.
Existing hygienic precautions need to be maintained but whether further measures
for patients at special risk need to be taken remains an open point.
The final
issue concerns transmission of HBV from infected health-care worker to patients
and whether and how an infected worker may continue to work. Current policy in
the rest of the world ranges from national legislation (as in France and the
USA) or national recommendation (as in the UK and Germany) to regional, local or
state policies, as in Australia and Canada. In Luxembourg staff must present a
certificate of vaccination before they can start work and there are restrictions
in the UK. In the countries of central and eastern Europe and the Newly
Independent States it seems that there is a restriction in Bulgaria on the work
done by HBeAg-positive health-care workers. The consensus of the participants in
the workshop was that HBV-infected workers should be allowed to continue their
profession, subject to special precautions.
2.10.6 Diagnostics
of HBV to recipients of contaminated blood or blood products may be prevented
through the implementation of five policies:
selection of a safe donor population by careful interview of potential
donors and rejection of those with identified risk factors
laboratory testing of all donations for the presence of HBsAg
treatment of blood products with appropriate procedures (e.g. use of
solvents and detergents), and
use of homologous blood (autologous transfusion) or the provision of
alternatives to traditional transfusions.
careful review of the medical indication for blood transfusion.
The simplest
and most cost-effective method of ensuring the safety of the blood supply is to
reject permanently donors who report a history of clinical hepatitis or who
either give a history or have evidence of injecting drug use.
efficiency of laboratory tests on all donations, the second line of defence to
prevent post-transfusion hepatitis B, depends on the sensitivity of the assay
used. In the USA use of the most sensitive assays reveals a reported incidence
rate for hepatitis B among recipients of transfusions of 1.8/100,000, a rate
that is the same as the incidence in the non-transfused population. Donors may
also be temporarily deferred on the basis of events that are acknowledged to
increase the risk of infection such as contact with a person who has hepatitis.
it is generally accepted that some units of infectious blood do escape
detection, even when the most sensitive tests are applied. This may happen
during the early stage of infection in a donor (the window period) or when blood
is collected from chronic carriers with amounts of HBsAg below detectable
limits, although this is probably a very rare event. Tests for alanine
aminotransferase activity and the presence of anti-HBc further reduce the
risk of post-transfusion hepatitis B.
Sensitivity of assays
First-generation assays for HBsAg, such as agar gel diffusion, could detect only
concentrations of 2000 ng/ml or more of antigen (in other words about 1011
Second-generation assays, such as counterimmunoelectrophoresis, complement
fixation and reverse passive haemagglutination, are about 5-100 times more
sensitive. Rapid tests that are independent of instruments, such as latex
agglutination and flow through or lateral flow devices (see also section, can detect 20 ng/ml of HBsAg, with results being obtained in less
than 15 min. Such tests are becoming increasingly popular in countries where
resources are limited on the grounds of their speed in giving results and
cheapness compared with more sensitive third-generation tests.
reflects the ability of a test to detect all truly positive specimens as
positive, that is the elimination of false-negative reactions. It depends
directly on the format of the assay and the titre and avidity of the antibodies
used to detect HBsAg. For HBV infection the assay should detect all known
genotypes and the common a determinant is sufficient for this purpose.
A sensitive
test should enable the early detection of HBsAg in infected individuals.
Sensitivity can be determined by use of commercially available panels of
seroconversion specimens and international references standards. (See Table 4.)
: Relative sensitivities of assays for the detection of HBsAg
Generation |
Test |
Relative sensitivity |
Particles/ml detected |
Concentration (ng/ml) detected
First |
Agar gel diffusion |
1 |
1.0 x 1011 |
2000 |
Second |
Counterimmunoelectrophoresis |
5 |
2.0 x 1010 |
400 |
Rheophoresis |
5 |
2.0 x 1010 |
400 |
Complement fixation |
10 |
1.0 x 109 |
200 |
Reverse passive
haemagglutination |
100 |
1.0 x 108 |
20 |
Latex agglutination |
100 |
1.0 x 108 |
20 |
devices |
100 |
1.0 x 108 |
20 |
Third |
Radioimmunoassay |
1000 |
1.0 x 106 |
0.2 |
Enzyme immunoassay |
1000 |
1.0 x 106 |
0.2 |
DNA hybridization |
4.0 x 104
genome/ml |
1 pg
Polymerase chain reaction |
1-100 genome/ml |
2.5 fg
Source: CDC
Specificity of assays
is the ability of a test to identify all negative specimens as negative, in
other words to eliminate false-positive reactions. Like sensitivity, this too
depends directly on the format of the assay and the specificity of antibodies
used. Specificity can be ascertained by tests on a large number of specimens
that are HBsAg negative and samples from patients without hepatitis B. A
specific test should have a false-positive rate of less than 1%.
Rapid, instrument-independent assays
The recently
developed flow through or lateral flow (FL/LF) devices rely on nitrocellulose
membranes that have been sensitized with strongly and specifically binding
antibodies (anti-HBs) to capture antigen from serum. The captured antigen is
visualized with anti-HBs that has been conjugated to colloidal gold particles.
Performance characteristics are set out in Table 5.
:Performance characteristics of flow-through and lateral-flow devices
Characteristic |
Flow-through device |
Lateral-flow device |
Antigen |
100 µg/test |
1 µg/test |
Ease of use |
Multiple steps |
One step |
Sample volume |
100-250 µl |
1-250 µl |
Specimen |
Serum only |
Serum, plasma, blood or urine |
Time |
3-5 min |
10-15 min |
Stability |
Less |
More |
Source: CDC
In the
flow-through format, each reactant is added sequentially and the liquid that
passes through is absorbed by a pad underneath the membrane, leaving the
reactants in the latter. The lateral-flow devices have the added advantage that
whole blood, urine and saliva may be used. As all the reactants are immobilized
on the membrane, the only action required of the technician is the addition of
the sample. This means that staff can use the assays with very little technical
training, further reducing costs (cf Table 6).
Comparison of test characteristics
Characteristics |
devices |
RPHA** |
Absolute sensitivity |
<0.5 ng/ml |
20 ng/ml |
40 ng/ml |
Relative sensitivity |
100% |
95% |
95% |
Assay time |
2-16 h |
5-10 min |
90 min |
Instrumentation |
Yes |
No |
No |
Batch size |
Large |
Small |
Moderate |
Assay performance |
manipulations |
High |
Low |
High |
interpretations |
Objective |
Subjective |
Subjective |
technical training |
Moderate |
Low |
High |
Cost/test |
High |
Low |
Moderate |
Source: CDC
*Radioimmunoassay/enzyme immunoassay
**Reverse passive haemagglutination
The results
have to be interpreted subjectively by the technician. At levels close to the
cut-off, this may pose problems. The alternative is to rely on more sensitive
but more costly instrument-dependent tests that identify positive reactions
based on quantitative values read by the instrument.
Reduction in post-transfusion hepatitis B
From the
sensitivity of the assay used by the blood transfusion services to detect HBsAg
the percentage of HBsAg-positive donations that will be undetected can be
estimated. Thus with the first-generation agar gel diffusion test 22% of
positive donations will be missed. With a sensitivity of 20 ng/ml for FL/LF
devices an estimated 7% of HBsAg-positive donations will be undetected.
In regions
of low endemicity (where some 95% of the population are susceptible to HBV
infection), the incidence of HBV transmission due to blood transfusion may be
reduced from 2.85/1000 in the absence of screening to 0.2/1000 with FL/LF
devices. In regions of intermediate endemicity (with about 70% of the population
susceptible) transmission may be reduced from 28/1000 to 2.0/1000 with these
tests. In regions of high endemicity only about 17% of the adult population and
40% of children may be susceptible and transmission may be reduced respectively
from 24/1000 to 1.8/1000 and from 56/1000 to 3.9/1000 after implementation of
rapid tests compared with no screening before blood donation (see Table 6).
The use of
the most sensitive and specific tests in blood transfusion services will
undoubtedly result in almost complete elimination of transfusion as a source of
HBV infection, but it is a costly option (see Table 7). The use of less
sensitive tests, especially in regions of intermediate to high endemicity and
where the size of the pool of susceptible people in the population is smaller,
needs to be considered.
: Post-transfusion hepatitis B in regions of different HBV endemicity with and
without flow-through screening of blood donations
endemicity |
HBsAg carrier rate in population
(%) |
Proportion of population
(%) |
Transmission rate/1000
screening1 Flow-through2 |
Low |
0.1-0.5 |
94-96 |
2.85 |
0.2 |
Moderate |
1-7 |
60-80 |
28 |
2.0 |
High |
8-20 |
5-30 |
adults |
14 |
17 |
24 |
1.8 |
(<18 yr) |
14 |
40 |
56 |
3.9 |
One year
after vaccination programme |
14 |
5 |
7 |
0.5 |
Source: CDC
(average rate/1000) x (average susceptibility)
(transmission/1000 with no screening) x (7% or the cumulative percentage of
HBsAg-positive people not detected by flow-through devices)
Consensus and conclusion
3.1 Data
The aim of
summarizing data on hepatitis B in the countries of central and eastern Europe
and the Newly Independent States was successfully fulfilled. All countries
provided useful information in response to pre-circulated questionnaires.
The data
confirm not only the epidemiological spread of hepatitis B infection and the
high levels of endemicity found in some countries of the region, but also the
substantial contribution made by chronic HBV infection to both morbidity and
mortality. Models are being developed that will help estimate the burden of
The need for
economic evaluation was convincingly made. Economic realities mandate
identification of costs, of both disease and vaccination programmes. The
obtaining of data on the burden of disease from HBV infections is a clear
priority, to enable hepatitis B immunization programmes to be accurately costed.
Firm information about the extent of the problem and the steps needed to prevent
and control it will strengthen the position for negotation with those who
control budgets.
Three major
constraints to the incorporation of hepatitis B into universal childhood
immunization programmes emerged. First is the economic situation. Many countries
in central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States simply cannot
afford hepatitis B vaccine at present. Secondly, some countries fail to
understand or appreciate the burden of disease caused by hepatitis B virus
infection. In consequence there is little or no commitment to include hepatitis
B immunization in the programmes of immunizations. Priority is given to
other pressing public health problems. Thirdly, countries have not formulated a
medium-term plan of action, based on a consensus of the medical profession,
policy makers and funding agencies regarding the appropriate strategy in face of
the priority indicated by the epidemiological situation. This failure to act
stems from an underestimation of the disease burden, the absence of sound
economic evaluation studies, lack of commitment consequent on lack of knowledge
and data.
Immunization programme
elements for strong hepatitis B immunization programme were identified at the
meeting. In addition to good data on morbidity and mortality as well as on the
burden of disease, countries must have strong functioning EPI programmes with
good coverage.
commitment for a hepatitis B immunization programme must exist at all levels -
the general public, the medical and scientific professions and among
politicians. Partners in development need to be informed that prevention and
control of hepatitis B is being accorded a top priority.
need to plan for the control of hepatitis B with written programmes documenting
the burden of disease and the strategy to be adopted. They should show
acceptance of the WHO/UNICEF banding system for sustainable vaccine supply. In
addition, all countries will have to demonstrate commitment of resources and
budgets to the immunization programme and to ensure that the plan documents how
progress will be made towards sustainability. Progress towards implementation of
plans should be reported and disseminated often and widely.
Plans should
include procurement, safety of injections and blood screening. Consideration
needs to be given to the question of whether savings could be made in existing
immunization programmes to facilitate the introduction of hepatitis B, in other
words to issues such as the screening of pregnant women and treatment with HBIG,
the administration of multiple doses of BCG and the use of boosters.
The meeting
concluded by drafting a consensus statement. Participants strongly supported the
WHO recommendation to include hepatitis B immunization of infants in all
national immunization programmes and the target to reduce the incidence of child
HBV carriers by 80% by the year 2001. The statement also included specific
recommendations to countries in the region, to partners in development and the
WHO. Commitment to HBV immunization is needed at all levels of the relevant
sectors of government and this political will needs to be communicated to
partners in development (such as Rotary Clubs, UNICEF, USAID and the
World Bank). Countries should develop national plans for the control and
prevention of hepatitis B and implement measures to prevent the transmission of
HBV in health-care settings. The blood supply needs to be secured.
Donors and
intergovernmental agencies, indeed all partners in development, can and should
help countries formulate and implement their plans. Assistance includes
procurement of vaccines (especially for those with high burdens of infection,
and reductions in price through negotiation have been referred to above),
economic analysis, capacity building and evaluation. Coordination of activities
together with information sharing is a high priority, as is the essential
element of funding of national programmes.
The WHO was
urged to develop a regional plan and to set out guidelines for national
hepatitis B control and prevention plans. It should also design protocols to
enable countries to estimate the burden of disease due to HBV infection as well
as to perform economic evaluation of HBV immunization. It should also take a
coordinating role for technical and programmatic support as well as for funding
of programmes. A practical step forward should be the convening of an
intercountry meeting on procurement and quality control of hepatitis B vaccines.
Consensus Statement (Russian version)

Prevention and Control of Hepatitis
in Central and Eastern Europe
and in the Newly Independent States
Профилактика и
борьба с гепатитом В
в странах
Центральной и Восточной Европы
и в новых
независимых государствах
6-9 октября 1996 года, Шиофок,
1 Консенсус совещания
1.1 Гепaтит В - инфекция,
имеющaя глобaльное знaчение. По оценкaм специaлистов, более 350 миллионов
человек стpaдaют от хpонической инфекции, обусловленной виpусом гепaтитa В
(ВГВ). Хpонические поpaжения печени и гепaтоцеллюляpнaя кapциномa являются
существенной пpичиной зaболевaемости и смеpтности нaселения. Ежегодно более
миллионa человек умиpaют от осложнений хpонической инфекции, вызвaнной виpусом
гепaтитa В. В глобaльном мaсштaбе пpофилaктикa гепaтитa В и боpьбa с этой
инфекцией стaли одной из пpиоpитетных пpоблем медицины, особенно в последнее
десятилетие, когдa стaлa доступной безопaснaя и эффективнaя вaкцинa.
1.2 Хотя в Центpaльной и
Восточной Евpопе, a тaкже в новых незaвисимых госудapствaх гепaтит В имеет
paзличную эндемичность, большaя чaсть нaселения пpоживaет нa теppитоpиях со
сpедней и высокой эндемичностью. По оценке Евpопейского pегионaльного бюpо ВОЗ,
в Евpопейском pегионе ежегодно виpусом гепaтитa В инфициpуются более миллионa
человек, большинство из котоpых пpоживaет в стpaнaх бывшего Советского Союзa.
Актуaльной пpоблемой является тaкже нозокомиaльнaя пеpедaчa ВГВ в Евpопейском
pегионе. В нескольких стpaнaх pегионa гепaтит В - однa из нaиболее знaчимых
инфекций, котоpaя зaнимaет пеpвое место в pяду пpичин смеpтности нaселения от
инфекций, упpaвляемых сpедствaми специфической пpофилaктики. Вaкцинaция пpотив
гепaтитa В является одним из медицинских меpопpиятий, котоpые дaют нaиболее
выpaженный экономический эффект.
1.3 В 1991 году Глобaльнaя
консультaтивнaя гpуппa Рaсшиpенной пpогpaммы иммунизaции ВОЗ пpизвaлa все стpaны
к 1997 году включить вaкцинaцию пpотив гепaтитa В в нaционaльный кaлендapь
пpививок. В нaстоящее вpемя вaкцинa пpотив гепaтитa В paсценивaется кaк седьмой
aнтиген, котоpый должен использовaться в paмкaх РПИ. В стpaнaх, где чaстотa
носительствa мapкеpов ВГВ пpевышaет 2%, pекомендуется пpоводить плaновую
иммунизaцию детей вaкциной пpотив гепaтитa В, a в стpaнaх с меньшей
распространенностью инфекции pекомендуется иммунизиpовaть подpостков или
пpименять комбиниpовaнную стpaтегию - вaкцинaцию подpостков дополнительно к
плaновой иммунизaции детей первого года жизни. К нaстоящему вpемени уже более 80
стpaн включили вaкцинaцию пpотив гепaтитa В в свои нaционaльные пpогpaммы
иммунизaции. Однaко в Центpaльной и Восточной Евpопе плaновaя иммунизaция детей
первого года жизни вaкциной пpотив гепaтитa В нaчaлa только в 5 из 25 стpaн, что
связaно, глaвным обpaзом, с экономическими тpудностями.
1.4 Помимо плaновой иммунизaции
детей первого года жизни для пpофилaктики гепaтитa В и оpгaнизaции боpьбы с этой
инфекцией должны пpименяться и дpугие эффективные меpы, в том числе:
использовaние практики безопaсных инъекций и пpaвильнaя стеpилизaция
инстpументов и обоpудовaния для окaзaния медицинской и стомaтологической помощи;
тщaтельный контpоль доноpской кpови; зaщитa медицинских paботников с помощью
вaкцинaции и соблюдения ими унивеpсaльных пpaвил техники безопaсности;
иммунизaция пpедстaвителей гpупп повышенного pискa. В некотоpых стpaнaх не
обеспечены системaтический контpоль кpови и безопaсность инъекций.
2 Общие рекомендации
2.1 Участники совещания
поддерживают рекомендации ВОЗ о необходимости включения плановой вакцинации
детей против гепатита В в национальный кaлендарь прививок, а также глобальную
цель программы Всемирной ассамблеи здравоохранения 1994 года о необходимости
добиться к 2001 году снижения на 80% числа новых случаев инфицирования детей
вирусом гепатита В.
3 Рекомендации отдельным
3.1 Все страны должны
стремиться как можно скорее интегрировать вакцинацию против гепатита В в свои
национальные программы иммунизации. Необходимо добиваться поддержки этого
мероприятия на всех уровнях исполнительной влaсти, а также со стороны
потенциальных сотрудничающих организаций.
3.2 Во всех странах должен быть
составлен “Национальный план борьбы с гепатитом В”. В этом документе должны
суммированы сведения
о современных масштабах проблемы гепатита В и методах борьбы с инфекцией;
стратегия плановой вакцинации всех новорожденных детей и представителей групп
повышенного риска;
указаны пути
предупреждения нозокомиального распространения вируса гепатита В, включая
обеспечение безопасности донорской крови и всех медицинских процедур, а также
правильное обеззараживание использованных материалов;
приведен календарный
график мероприятий и список ресурсов, необходимых для осуществления программы
борьбы с гепатитом В;
приведены результаты
анализа экономической эффективности программы;
улучшение системы эпиднадзора за гепатитом В;
необходимость усиления санитарно-просветительной работы среди населения.
3.3 Все страны должны
обеспечить выполнение мероприятий для предупреждения нозокомиальной передачи
вируса гепатита В в медицинских учреждениях через контаминированные иглы и
другое медицинское оборудование; из-за неправильной обработки отработанных
биологических материалов; несоблюдения правил техники безопасности;
использования продуктов крови, полная безопасность которых не гарантирована;
выполнения излишних инвазивных процедур.
3.4 Должны осуществляться все
мероприятия, обеспечивающие полную безопасность донорской крови. Необходимо
провести анализ системы контроля крови, функциониpующей в настоящее время, и при
необходимости внести соответствующие изменения. Кровь, препараты крови,
донорские органы и ткани должны обязательно проверяться на наличие HBsAg и не
должны использоваться при его обнаружении.
3.5 Все страны региона должны
осознать необходимость осуществления программ борьбы с гепатитом В и настаивать
на том, чтобы Европейское региональное бюро ВОЗ считало борьбу с гепатитом В
одним из приоритетных направлений своей деятельности.
4 Рекомендации
сотрудничающим организациям
4.1 Сотрудничающие организации
должны помогать всем странам в подготовке и реализации национальных планов
борьбы с гепатитом В, в том числе оказывать помощь в приобретении вакцин и
диагностических тест-систем, а также при проведении анализа экономической
эффективности, при общей оценке программы и в подготовке кадров.
4.2 Рабочая группа должна
периодически встречаться для обсуждения прогресса в борьбе с гепатитом В, чтобы
обеспечить координацию работы и обмен информацией о всех мероприятиях по борьбе
с гепатитом В в регионе. В эту рабочую группу должны входить представители
отдельных стран, Комитета по профилактике вирусных гепатитов (VHPB), Центра по
контролю и профилактике болезней (CDC), Всемирной организации здравоохранения и
других заинтересованных организаций.
4.3 Участники совещания
поддерживают стратегию ЮНИСЕФ и ВОЗ, направленную на обеспечение вакциной против
гепатита В стран, испытывающих в ней наибольшую потребность. Помощь должна быть
оказана прежде всего странам с низким уровнем национального дохода и с наиболее
сложной эпидситуацией, где успешно осуществляются мероприятия РПИ и где
правительства поддерживают осуществление программ профилактики гепатита В.
4.4 Участники совещания
обращаются к “Межведомственному координационному комитету по иммунизации и
борьбе с инфекционными заболеваниями” с просьбой оказать помощь национальным
программам профилактики гепатита В путем приоритетного финансирования этих
5 Рекомендации Всемирной
организации здравоохранения
5.1 Европейское региональное
бюро ВОЗ должно расценивать профилактику гепатита В и борьбу с этой инфекцией
как одно из самых приоритетных направленией своей деятельности; необходимо
составить региональный план мероприятий по борьбе с гепатитом В.
5.2 ВОЗ должна подготовить
документ, содеpжaщий pекомендaции по состaвлению нaционaльных плaнов боpьбы с
гепaтитом В, paзослaть этот документ во все стpaны pегионa и окaзывaть помощь
отдельным стpaнaм в состaвлении и pеaлизaции тaких плaнов.
5.3 ВОЗ должнa paзpaботaть
pекомендaции, котоpые помогут стpaнaм оценивaть мaсштaбы пpоблемы гепaтитa В и
экономическую эффективность вaкцинaции пpотив этой инфекции, a тaкже
осуществлять монитоpинг эффективности выполнения пpогpaмм пpофилaктики гепaтитa
5.4 ВОЗ должнa осуществлять
кооpдинaцию деятельности всех сотpудничaющих оpгaнизaций для обеспечения стpaнaм
методической и технической помощи, a тaкже финaнсиpовaния пpогpaмм пpофилaктики
гепaтитa В в pегионе.
ВОЗ должнa пpовести междунapодное
совещaние по пpоблемaм пpоизводствa и контpоля кaчествa вaкцин пpотив гепaтитa
Annex 2
Siofok Consensus Statement (English
Prevention and Control of
Hepatitis B in Central and Eastern
Europe and in the Newly
Independent States
held from
6-9 October 1996, Siofok, Hungary
1.1 Hepatitis B is a disease of global importance. More
than 350 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV).
Chronic liver disease and liver cancer related to HBV are significant causes of
illness and death. More than one million people die each year from the
consequences of chronic infection with the virus. World-wide, prevention and
control of hepatitis B virus infection have become a major priority especially
since safe and effective vaccines have been available for more than a decade.
1.2 In central and eastern Europe and the Newly
Independent States all levels of HBV endemicity are found, but most of the
population of the Region lives in areas of intermediate or high endemic levels.
The WHO Regional Office estimates that more than one million people in the WHO
European Region acquire acute hepatitis B infection each year, with most cases
in the Newly Independent States. Nosocomial infection is a significant problem
in the Region. Several countries in the Region consider hepatitis B to be the
most significant infectious disease problem that they are facing and the leading
cause of death among vaccine-preventable diseases. Hepatitis B vaccination is
regarded as one of the most cost-effective health interventions.
1.3 In 1991 the Global Advisory Group of the Expanded
Programme on Immunisation (EPI) of the WHO called for all countries to include
hepatitis B vaccine in their national immunisation programmes by 1997. Hepatitis
B vaccine is now considered to be the seventh universal antigen in the EPI.
Routine immunisation of infants is recommended for countries with a chronic HBV
prevalence of 2% or higher and countries of lower endemicity have the option to
implement immunisation of adolescents instead of or in addition to infant
immunisation. So far, more than 80 countries have included hepatitis B
vaccination in their national programmes. However, only five of the 25 countries
in central and eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States have yet done so,
mainly because of economic constraints.
1.4 In addition to routine immunisation of infants,
important measures for the prevention of hepatitis B include: ensuring safe
injection and proper sterilisation of medical and dental equipment; proper
screening of blood; protection of health-care workers through vaccination and
adoption of standard precautions against infections acquired through contact
with blood; and immunisation of people at high risk in the general population.
Some countries lack systematic or functioning programmes for the screening of
blood and are not ensuring safe injection practices.
2. General Recommendation
2.1 The participants at the meeting strongly support the
WHO recommendation that routine hepatitis B immunisation of children be
integrated into all national immunisation programmes as well as the 1994 WHO
global target calling for an 80% decrease in the incidence of HBV child
carriers by the year 2001.
3. Recommendations to
3.1 All countries should plan to integrate hepatitis B
vaccination into their national immunisation programmes as soon as possible.
Countries should secure commitment to immunisation against hepatitis B at all
levels of the relevant sectors of government and should communicate this
commitment to partners in development.
3.2 All countries should develop a national plan for the
control of hepatitis B. This plan should:
summarise the current disease burden and
disease-control programmes;
include a strategy for routine vaccination of
all infants and high-risk persons;
contain provisions to prevent nosocomial
transmission of HBV, including the assurance of a safe blood supply, safe
injection practices and proper disposal of medical waste;
specify a timetable and resources needed to
implement the control programme;
perform economic evaluation analyses;
improve surveillance; and
raise public awareness.
3.3 Countries should implement measures to prevent the
transmission of HBV in health-care settings through contaminated needles and
equipment, improper waste disposal, unsafe work practices, unsafe blood products
and unnecessary invasive procedures.
3.4 Measures should be taken to ensure the safety of the
blood supply. This should include an assessment of current testing capabilities
and the strengthening of them if indicated. All donors of blood, blood products,
and donated tissues and organs should be screened for hepatitis B surface
antigen and donations that test positive should not be used.
3.5 Countries of the Region should recognise the need to
implement hepatitis B control programmes, and urge the WHO Regional Committee to
afford control of this infection high priority.
4. Recommendations to
Partners in Development
4.1 Partners in development should assist all countries
in the formulation and implementation of their national plans, including
assistance in the procurement of vaccines, diagnostics, economic analysis,
programme evaluation and training.
4.2 A working group should meet regularly to review
progress on hepatitis B control in order to assure coordination and sharing of
information on hepatitis B control activities in the Region. This working group
should consist of representatives of member countries, the Viral Hepatitis
Prevention Board, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the WHO and
other interested parties.
4.3 Those present at this meeting, which had a high level
of participation, endorse the UNICEF/WHO strategy calling for support of the
neediest countries in obtaining hepatitis B vaccine. Support should be targeted
to countries with high disease burdens, well established EPI programmes, a low
per capita gross national product, and solid government commitments to hepatitis
B prevention programmes.
4.4 The meeting participants strongly urge the
Interagency Immunisation Coordinating Committee for the support of the EPI in
the Newly Independent States to assist national hepatitis B prevention
programmes by making funding of these programmes a high priority.
5. Recommendations to WHO
5.1 The WHO Regional Office for Europe should recognise
that prevention and control of HBV infection are a major priority and should
develop a regional plan.
5.2 WHO should elaborate a document setting out
guidelines for national hepatitis B control plans, should disseminate this to
countries in the Region and should provide assistance in developing and
implementing these plans.
5.3 WHO should design protocols that will enable
countries to estimate their disease burden due to HBV infection, to perform
economic evaluation of hepatitis B vaccination, and to monitor the effectiveness
of hepatitis B prevention and control programmes.
5.4 WHO should take a coordinating role in working with
other partners in development to secure technical and programmatic support as
well as funding for hepatitis B prevention programmes in the Region.
5.5 WHO should convene an inter-country meeting on
procurement and quality control of hepatitis B vaccines.
Siofok, 9
October 1996
List of
Original: English
Address |
Phone |
Fax |
Dr Bashkim
Chief of the Hepatology in the University
Hospital Center of Tirana
355 42 637
88 |
355 42 642
355 42 636 44 |
Dr Kristo Pano,
Head of the Communicable
Disease Hospital,
University Hospital Center of Tirana
355 42 642
70 |
355 42 642
70 |
Dr Ara
Chief Child Infectionist
Ministry of Health
Toumanian Str. 8,
001 Yerevan 375001
374 2 23
58 36 |
374 2
151097 |
Dr Margareta
Archak Balasanian
Medical Epidemiologist
Head, National EPI Program
Ministry of Health
Armenian National Institute of Health
49/4, Komitas Ave.
Yerevan 375051
374 2
374 2
26 20 06 |
374 2
151097 |
Dr Gajane
Head, Laboratory
Research Institute of Epidemiology
Ministry of Health
Toumanian Str. 8,
001 Yerevan 375001
374 2 52
14 24 |
374 2
151097 |
Dr Azer
Meherremov, Ph.D.
Chief, Hepatology Centre
Ministry of Health
Kickik Daniz str.4,
Baku, 370014
994 12 988
559 |
National EPI Programme Officer
Ministry of Health
Kickik Daniz str.4,
Baku, 370014
994 12 988
559 |
Coordinator for Communicable Diseases
Ministry of Health
Kickik Daniz str.4,
Baku, 370014
994 12 988
559 |
Dr Valeri P.
Deputy Minister of Health
Chief Sanitary Doctor
Ministry of Health
ul. Myasnikova 39
220048 Minsk
375 172 22
69 97 |
375 172 22
62 97 |
Dr V. Tsirkunov,
Head of the Laboratory
Grodno Medical Institute
ul. Gorkogo, 80,
230015 Grodno
575 152 33
26 61 |
375 152 33
53 41 |
Dr V. Zhukovski
Chief Doctor, Republican Centre
for Hygiene and
ul. Kazintsa, 50,
220099 Minsk,
375 172 78
98 68 |
375 172 78
42 07 |
Dr Radka Argirova
Deputy Minister of Health
Ministry of Health
5, Sveta Nedelia Square
Sofia 1000
359 2 87
85 04
tel and
fax |
Dr Stanislava
Head, Division of Disease Prevention
Ministry of Health
5, Sveta Nedelia Square
Sofia 1000
359 2 87
85 04
tel and
fax |
Dr Pavel Teoharov
National Hepatitis Laboratory
Ministry of Health
5, Sveta Nedelia Square
Sofia 1000
359 2 87
85 04
tel and
fax |
Prof. Berislav
Borcic, M.D., Ph.D.
Head, Department of Epidemiology
Croatian National Institute
of Public Health
Rockefellerova ul. 7
1000 Zagreb
385 1 277
307 |
385 1 277
307 |
Prim. Dr. Zeljko
Baklaic, M.D.
Zagreb City Institute of Public Health
Mirogojska ul. 16
1000 Zagreb
385 1 277
752 |
385 1 272
877 |
Czech Republic
Dr Jaroslav Helcl,
National Reference Laboratory on Hepatitis
National Institute of Public Health
Srobarova 48
100 42 Praha 10
42 2 6708
2201 |
42 2
746947 |
Dr Petr Husa, CSc,
Faculty Hospital
Clinic of Communicable Diseases
Jihkavska 20
639 00 Brno
42 5 43 19
2221 |
42 5 32 59
44 |
Dr Gustav Walter
Department of Epidemiology and Microbiology
Ministry of Health
Palackého nam. 4
120 00 Prague 2
42 2 249
72 184 |
42 2 249
15996 |
Dr Evi
Health Department MSA
Head of Screening Bureau
Gonsiori 29
EE0104 Tallinn
372 6 26
97 32 |
372 6 31
79 02 |
Prof. Matti
Head, Department of Infectious Diseases
University of Tartu
18, Ulikooli str.
Tartu EE 2400
372 7 473
853 |
372 7 475
e-mail: |
Dr Sven
National Board for Health Protection
Paldiski Mnt. 81
EE-0006 Tallinn
372 2 47
73 57 |
372 2 47
60 51 |
Dr Paata
National Centre for Disease Control
Asatiani str. 9
380077 Tbilisi
995 32 37
1677 |
995 32 23
71 39 |
Dr Tina
Department of Infectious Diseases
State Medical University
Ministry of Health
K. Gamsakhurdia ave., 30
380060 Tbilisi
995 32 39
26 23 |
995 32 99
81 08 |
Dr Ramaz
Department of Public Health
Ministry of Health
K. Gamsakhurdia ave., 30
380060 Tbilisi
995 32 38
75 80 |
995 32 99
81 08 |
Dr Agnes
National Institute of Hygiene
“Johan Bela”
2-6, Gyali ut., P.O. Box 64
H-1097 Budapest
36 1 215
1792 |
36 1 215
1792 |
Dr Imre
Department for Control of Viral Vaccines
National Institute of Hygiene
“Johan Bela”
2-6, Gyali ut.
H-1097 Budapest
36 1 215
08 98
36 1 215
01 48 |
Professor Dr Endre Morava
Chief Medical Officer
National Public Health Center
2-6, Gyali ut.
H-1097 Budapest
36 1 215
53 31 |
36 1 215
53 11 |
Dr Gyözö
Department of Nosocomial Diseases
National Institute of Public Health “Johan Bela”
2-6, Gyali ut.
H-1097 Budapest
36 1 215
7652 |
36 1 215
1792 |
Dr Bela
Senior Counsellor
Ministry of Welfare
P.O. Box 987
H-1245 Budapest
36 1 215
76 52 |
36 1 302
0925 |
Dr Ilona
Department of Epidemiology
National Institute of Hygiene
“Johan Bela”
2-6, Gyali ut., P.O. Box 64
H-1097 Budapest
36 1 215
1792 |
36 1 215
1792 |
Dr Laszlo Telegdy
Head, Department of Internal Diseases
Saint Laszlo Hospital
5-7, Gyali ut.
H-1097 Budapest
36 1 215
02 19 |
36 1 215
65 01 |
Dr Adam Vass
Deputy Director
Head, Department of Epidemiology
Executive Office of Chief Medical
Officer of State
P.O. Box 64
H-1966 Budapest
36 1 215
53 31 |
36 1 215
or 53 11 |
Stanislav Mudretsov
Chief Physician
Akmola Oblast San-Epid Station
50 Komsomolskaya str.
7 3172 33
71 31 |
7 3272 30 14 51 |
Idilbasi Shuratov,
Research Institute of Epidemiology
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Ministry of Health
Ablaihan str. 63
Almaty 480003
7 327 2 30
04 26 |
7 327 2 33
17 19 |
Dr Maidan
Republican San-Epid Station
Ministry of Health
Ablaihan str. 63
Almaty 480003
7 327 2 43
26 55 |
7 327 2 33
17 19 |
Head San. Epid Department
Ministry of Health
Moskovskaya 148
720405 Bishkek
7 3312
7 3312
479191 |
Dr R. Usmanov
Chief Hepatitis Laboratory of Institute of Prevention and Ecology
Ministry of Health
Moskovskaya 148
720405 Bishkek
7 3312
7 3312
479191 |
Dr Ludmila Jurevica
Infectious Diseases and Epidem. Unit
National Environmental Health Centre
7, L. Klijanu Str.
LV-1012 Riga
371 2 37
92 31 |
371 7 33
90 06 |
Dr Galina Silonova
Head Latvian Center of Hepatology
3, Linezera Str.
Riga, LV-1006
371 2 520
614 |
371 2 52
40 69 |
Dr Ludmila Viksna
State Center of Infectious Diseases
Linezera 3
Riga, LV-1006
371 2
520807 |
371 2
524069 |
Dr Arvydas Ambrozaitis
Department of Infectious Diseases
Vilnius University
Birutes g.1
LT-2004 Vilnius
3702 72 46
57 |
3702 72 46 57
arvydas.ambrozaitis@mf |
Dr Vytautas Bakasenas
Republican Immunization Centre
4a Roziu Avenue
2600 Vilnius
370 2 22
77 07 |
370 2 22
76 73 |
Dr Bronius Morkunas
State Epidemiologist
State Public Health Centre
Ministry of Health
Gedimino Avenue 27
LT-232682 Vilnius
3702 77 89
16 |
3702 22 76
73 |
The Former
of Macedonia
Dr Mirjana Filipce
Head of Department
National Counterpart for Communicable Diseases
Clinic for Communicable Disease
and Febrile Conditions
Pity Guli br. 35
91000 Skopje
398 91 12
74 31 |
398 91 12
74 31 |
Prof. Ljubomir Ivanovski
Head, Department of Viral Hepatitis
Clinic of Infectious Diseases
Vodnjanska 17
91000 Skopje
389 91 22
82 24 |
389 91 12
11 46 |
Dr Borka Kismanova
Councilor to the Minister for Epidemiology
WHO National Counterpart for EPI
Ministry of Health
Vodnjanska 66
91000 Skopje
389 91 113
429 |
389 91 113
014 |
Marija Kisman
Liaison Officer
Liaison Office
Ministry of Health
Vodnjanska bb
3989 91 12
1142 |
3989 91 12
1142 |
Republic of Moldova
Dr Petru Jarovoi,
Laboratory of Viral Hepatitis B
National Scientific and Practical Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology
Gh. Asachi str. 67
2028 Chisinau
3732 729
303 |
3732 72 97
25 |
Mr Michail V. Magdey
Vice Minister of Health
Ministry of Health
Alecsandri str. I
2028 Chisinau
373 2 72
99 83 or 72 96 77 or 73 71 21 |
373 2 73
87 81 |
Dr Ion Pasechnic
Department of Social and Humanitarian Problems at the State Office
Government of Moldova
Pista Marii Adunari Nationale
2033 Chisinau
373 2 23
30 71 |
373 224 26
96 |
Dr Malgorzata Czerniawska-Ankiersztejn
Director, Dep. of Public Health
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
15, Miodova str.
00-923 Warsaw
48 22 26
15 21 |
48 22 635
88 52 |
Dr Joanna Galimska
Head of Section of Contagious Diseases
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
15, Miodova str.
00-923 Warsaw
48 22 26
23 41 |
48 22 635
88 52 |
Professor Wieslaw Magdzik
Head, Department of Epidemiology
National Institute of Hygiene
24, Chocimska Street
00791 Warsaw
48 22 49
31 04 |
48 2 249
74 84 |
Dr Dorina Craciun
Programme Officer
Preventive Medicine Department
Ministry of Health
Str. Ministerului 1-3
70052 Bucharest
40 1 613
14 52 |
40 1 613
66 60 |
Dr Nicolae Ion-Nedelcu
NIP Manager
Preventive Medicine Department
Ministry of Health
Str. Ministerului 1-3
70052 Bucharest
40 1 613
14 52 |
40 1 613
66 60 |
Dr Geza Molnar
Head, Hepatitis Laboratory
Institute of Public Health
Str. Pasteur no. 6
P.O.Box 93
3400 Cluj
40 64 19
42 52 |
40 64 43
03 16 |
Russian Federation
Dr J.M. Fedorov
Deputy Chief
Preventive Medicine Department
Ministry of Health and Medical Industry
of the Russian Federation
3, Rahmanovskij pereulok
101431 GSP-4 Moscow K-51
7 095 927
26 83 |
7 095 2000
212 |
Dr G.S.
Senior Medical Officer
Epidemiological Branch
State Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian
Vadkovsky sd.18/20
101479 Moscow
7 095 973
26 94 |
13 98
Dr Lazikova
Chief Specialist of Infectious Diseases Control Unit
Ministry of Health and Medical Industry
of the Russian Federation
3, Rahmanovskij pereulok
101431 GSP-4 Moscow K-51
7 095 92
511 40
7 095 2000
212 |
Prof. M.I.
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Gamaleya Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology
18 Gamaleya str.
123098 Moscow
7 095 193
30 01 |
7 095 324
42 49 |
Dr Sergey
L. Mukomolov
Deputy Director
Pasteur Institute
14,Mira Street
197101 St.
7 812 232
00 66
232 90 68
233 17 62
7 812 232
92 17 |
Dr Josif V. Shakhgildian,
Laboratory of Epidemiology and
Prevention of Viral Hepatitis
Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical
095 193
3511 |
7-095-978-4497 |
Slovak Republic
Dr Eva Maderova, M.D., M.P.H.
Department of Epidemiology
Ministry of Health
Limbova 2
833 41 Bratislava
42 7 376
147 62 |
42 7 37 61
42 |
Dr Margaréta Sláciková
Head of the Department of Epidemiology
State Health Institute
of the Slovak Republic
Trnavská ul. 52
826 45 Bratislava
42 7 621
21 |
42 7 211
449 |
Dr Ada Hocevar-Grom
Institute of Public Health
of the Republic of Slovenia
Trubarjeva 2
Post box 260
61000 Ljubljana
386 611402
030 |
386 61 323
940 |
Dr Alenka Kraigher, M.D., MSc.
Head of Center for Communicable Diseases
Institute of Public Health
of the Republic of Slovenia
Trubarjeva 2
Post box 260
61000 Ljubljana
386 61 323
940 |
386 61 323
940 |
Dr Sernec-Podnar
Center for Mental Health
Zaloska 29
1000 Ljubljana
131 31 13
131 31 23 |
386 61 323
940 |
Shamsudin Jabirov
Centre Leader of Immunization
Ministry of Health of Tajikistan
Szevczenko 69
Dushanbe 25
7 3772
211248 |
7 3772
211248 |
Hushkadam Kamardinov
Professor, Infectious Diseases
Ministry of Health of Tajikistan
Szevczenko 69
Dushanbe 25
7 3772
211248 |
7 3772
211248 |
Dr I.U. Usmanov
First Deputy Minister
Coordinator of the AIDS Prevention Programme and of the Expanded Programme
of Immunization and Control of Infectious Diseases
Ministry of Health
Szevczenko 69
Dushanbe 25
7 3772
7 3772
Dr Jumaguli
and Epidemiological Department
Ministry of Health
Mahtumkuli avenue 90
744000 Ashgabat
7 3632 25
55 82
7 3632 25
60 47 |
Dr Galina
Head Doctor
Ashgabat Infectious Diseases Hospital
str. 51
744012 Ashgabat
7 3632 24
46 83 |
7 3632 25
60 47 |
Dr N.
Head of the Infectious Diseases Chair
Medical Institute
Ger-Ogly str. 51
744012 Ashgabat
7 3632 24
46 21 |
7 3632 25
60 47 |
Anatoliy Padchenko
Senior Sanitary Physician of Ukraine
Ministry for
Public Health
7 Hrushevsky Str.
252021 Kiev
38 0 44
226 23 31 |
38 0 44
293 69 75 |
Dr Valeria
R. Shaginian
Senior Specialist
Laboratory on Epidemiology and Prevention of Viral Hepatitis
Institute of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases
The Ministry for Public Health
7 Hrushevsky Str.
252021 Kiev
38 0 44
277 37 11 |
38 0 44
277 24 00 |
Hudojberdi T. Faziev
Chief Sanitary Doctor
Syrdaria Sanepid Station
Gulistan, Tashkent oblast
Ministry of Health
Navoi str. 12
700011 Tashkent
7 3712
411752 / 441040 |
7 3712
418614 |
Irkin I. Musabaev
Head of the Republican Hepatitis Centre
341 Rakhimov str.
7 3712
411752 / 441040 |
7 3712
418614 |
Phone Fax
Dr. Pierre Van Damme
32-3-820.25.38 32-3-820.26.40
Department of Epidemiology
& Community Medicine
University of Antwerp
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Antwerp
Mr. Gino Verwimp
32-3-820.25.15 32-3-820.26.40
Department of Epidemiology
& Community Medicine
University of Ant9werp
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Antwerp
Mrs. Emmy Engelen
32-3-820.25.23 32-3-820.26.40
Department of Epidemiology &
Community Medicine
University of Antwerp
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Antwerp
Ms. Hilde Desloovere
32-3-820.25.23 32-3-820.26.40
Department of Epidemiology &
Community Medicine
University of Antwerp
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Antwerp
VHPB Core members
Dr. Johannes Hallauer
49-431-38.95.222 49-431-38.95.255
Institute for Health systems
Wiemarer Strasse 8
24106 Kiel
Federal republic of Germany
Dr. Mark
Kane 41-22-791.2605
Global Programme for Vaccines
and Immunisation
World Health Organisation
20 Avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 27
Prof. André Meheus
32-3-820.25.23/.28 32-3-820.26.40
Department of Epidemiology &
Community Medicine
University of Antwerp
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Antwerp
Dr. Colette Roure
45-39-17.15.34 45-39-17.18.51
Regional Adviser EPI
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Scherfigsvej 8
2100 Copenhagen O
Dr. Elizabeth McCloy
44-1306-627061 idem
Specialist in Occupational Health
The Orchard Cottage
Friday Street, Ockley
Dorking -
Surrey RH5 5TE
United Kingdom
VHPB standing advisers
Prof. Peter Grob
41-1-25.72.861 41-1-25.72.872
Head of Clinical Immunology
Department of Medicine
University Hospital
Häldeli Weg 4
8044 Zurich
Prof. Wolfgang Jilg
49-941-944.6408 49-941-944.6402
Medical Microbiologist
Institut für Medizinische
Microbiologie und Hygiene
University of Regensburg
Franz-Joseph Strauss-Allee 11
93042 Regenburg
Dr. José De La Torre
34-1-59.64.184 34-1-59.64.195
Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
Departamento de Enfermedares
Paseo del Prado N° 20
Prof. Paolo Bonanni
39-55-411.113 39-55-4222.541
Associate Professor of
Hygiene and Epidemiology
Public Health Department
University of Florence
Viale Morgagni 48
50134 Florence
c/o Institute of Hygiene and
Preventive Medicine
University of
Genoa 39-10-35.38.530
Via Pastore 1
16132 Genoa
Prof. Georges Papaevangelou
30-1-64.47.941 30-1-778.18.29
National Centre for Viral Hepatitis
Athens School of Hygiene
P.O. Box 14085
Athens 115 21
Prof. Alain Goudeau
33-47-47.47.47 33-47-47.36.10
Professor of Bacteriology,
Virology and Hygiene
Department of Medical and
Molecular Microbiology
Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Bretonneau
2 Boulevard Tonnellé
37044 Tours Cedex
Health Organization
Dr B.
Melgaard, Chief
Programme on Immunization
Programme for Vaccines and Immunization
41.22.791.4408 |
Mrs Amy
Officer, VSQ
Programme for Vaccines and Immunization
41.22.791.4367 |
Dr Julie
Programme for Vaccines and Immunization
41.22.791.3564 |
Dr Mark
Programme on Immunization
Programme for Vaccines and Immunization
41.22.791.26.05 |
41.22.791.41.93 |
Health Organization |
Regional Office for Europe
Sieghart Dittmann
Integrated Programme on Communicable Diseases
| | |
Dr Colette
Regional Adviser
Expanded Programme on Immunization
| |
39 17 18
51 |
Secretary, CDS
| |
Inge Friis-Cuisine
Secretary, CDS
CDC Atlanta
Dr Joseph L. Melnick
713/798-4444 713/798-5075
Baylor College of Medicine
Distinguished Service Professor
One Baylor Plaza, Texas Medical
77030-3598 Houston, Texas
Dr Eric
1/404-6392343 1/404-6391563
Head of Surveillance Unit
CDC/ Hepatitis Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mailstop A-33
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Dr Howard
Fields 1/404-6392343
CDC/ Hepatitis Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mailstop A-33
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Dr Steven Hadler
1/404-6392343 1/404-6391563
Director Division of Epidemiology
and Surveillance
National Immunization Program
CDC/ Hepatitis Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mailstop A-33
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Dr Frank
Mahoney 1/404-6392343
CDC/ Hepatitis Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mailstop A-33
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Dr Michael Favorov
1/404-6392343 1/404-6391563
CDC/ Hepatitis Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mailstop A-33
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Dr Nicole Guérin
33/1-44302001 33/1-45257367
Head, Communicable Diseases
& Immunisation Unit
International Children’s Centre
Chateau de Longchamp
Bois de Boulogne
75016 Paris
Dr A. Fenyves
49/6074-27256 49/6074-44289
Frankenstrasse 17
63128 Dietzenbach, Germany
Philippe Beutels
03/8202658 03/8202640
Health Economist
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Antwerpen/België
Mr David FitzSimons
181/883 2693 44/1491-833508
10, Leinster Road
London N10 3AN, UK
Mrs. Margaret Van Der Elst
32-3-233.74.63 Idem
Grote Goddaert 43
2000 Antwerp
Prof Boris Bytchenko
7/095-4381583 7/095-3042209
Central Inst. of Epidemiology
123, Leninskyi Prospect, Corpus 4,
Flat 24
Moscow, Russia
Ms Thelma King Thiel
201-2391035 201-8575044
Hepatitis Foundation
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
30, Sunrise Terrace, Cedar Grove
NJ 07009-1423
Mr Frank J. Plateroti
201-3431445 201-3436110
Dr Nikolai Chaika
7/812-2333420 7/812-2329217
Chief Dept. of Inform
Department of Scientific Medical
St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute
Mira Street 14
St. Petersburg, Russia
Dr Murray Trostle
703/875-47264 703/875-4686
Public Health Adviser
Arlington VA 22209
Room 1200 SA18
20523-1817 Washington DC, USA
Ms Rebecca
Rohrer 703/875-47264
Public Health Adviser
Arlington VA 22209
Room 1200 SA18
20523-1817 Washington DC, USA
Dr Tamas Forrai
36/62-476558 36/62-476558
Zenon Biotechnology Ltd.
Managing Director
Berzsenyi Str. 3
Szeged, Csongrad 6701, Hungary
Dr Bruno-Jacques
Martin 41/22-9095900
Health Adviser CEE-CIS
Unicef/Euro - Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Mr Alan Hinman
404/371-0466 404/371-1087
Task Force Child Survival Dev.
One Copenhill
30307 Atlanta, Georgia
SmithKline Beecham
Mr Curtis Richins
44/181-9752563 44/181-9752922
SmithKline Beecham
Vaccines Manager
Two New Horizons Court, Great West
Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9EP, UK
Dr Diana Stegena
361/3264853 361/3264889
Vaccines Manager
Kis Buda Centre, 3rd Fl, Frankel
Leo ut. 30-34
1023 Budapest, Hungary
Ms Bozena Drewicz
48-39123136 22-6583553
48-6584260 48-6683553
Product Manager
The Green House, ul. Hankeiwicza 2
02-103 Warsaw, Poland
Mr. Andrzej Tarasiewicz
48-39123136 22-6583553
48-6584260 48-6683553
The Green House, ul. Hankeiwicza 2
02-103 Warsaw, Poland
Mr Sergei Vlassov
7/95/9612300 095/961-2380
SmithKline Beecham
Vaccines Manager
Riverside Towers Building 1, Fl.3,
Kosmodamianskaya Nab52
Moscow, Russia
Mr Steffan Ristun
Beecham 47/67977916
Vaccines Manager
Solheimsveien 112, POBox 134
N1473 Skarer, Norway
Ms Christina Oana-Micsescu
4/1-3122182 4/1-3122292
SmithKline Beecham
Vaccines Manager
Union Int. Centre, Ion Campineanu
Str.11, Sect. 1
Bucharest, Romania
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
Mr Timothy
Cooke 1/2156529048
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
POBox 4, WP37A-311
PA 19486-0004 West Point, USA
Dr Yuri Danilevski
7/095-9418274 7/095-9418276
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
2 Bereshkovskaya nab.
Slavyanskaya/Radisson Hotel
121059 Moscow, Russia
Dr Elena Sudjian
7/095-9418274 7/095-9418276
2 Bereshkovskaya nab.
Slavyanskaya/Radisson Hotel
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
Moscow, Russia
Dr Attila Szilagyi
1/908-4233036 1/908-7351465
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
PO Box 100, WS2AB-10
Whitehouse Station NJ 08889
Dr Michael Mertchyan
Chief Epidemiologist
ul. Shaumyana 100
350068 Krasnodar, Russia
Dr Viktor Chirkov
Chief sanitary Doctor
Ekaterinburg, Russia
Hepatitis D virus (HDV)
is a defective single-stranded RNA virus that can only
replicate in
cells infected with HBV.
On release from the cells the HDV acquires an envelope of HBsAg.